A sick body is simply a body full of toxins. And toxins don't only come from what you eat, they are also in the environment, in chemicals you consume, in foreign bodies you put in your body like fillings, implants, etc.
Health returns when you return to treating the body as an organic being that needs only real, living, organic compounds to function. Real foods, medicines real. Not chemicals or compounds that the body doesn't recognize.
In addition to what you eat, these are some things that affect your health:
Industrial oils
Blue light at night
Sitting all day
Breathing through the mouth
Excessive consumption of medications
Birth control methods (contraceptives, IUDs, chips)
Plastics in food, environment
Dental amalgams, root canal treatments, metals in the mouth
Aesthetic implants, fillers
Chemical beauty and cleaning products
Drinking alcohol, smoking
Processed foods
Negative thoughts
Not exposing yourself to the sun at appropriate times
Do not do any exercise

It's not a question of being afraid, but of being AWARE. Of what helps your body to be healthy and what unbalances it. With this base, make conscious choices and step by step shape your reality in YOUR favor.
PS: If you want to take back control of your physical, mental and emotional health, to break with programs that no longer resonate with love, health, consciousness and peace, I invite you to the next group detox of Alquimia.Regenerativa that starts on 7/26 (one every month) I leave the link below, you can send me a message if you want more information
Contact: +52 1 55 1620 7310