

Regenerative Alchemy is born through Dear Detox together with Lu Del Mar (short for Lucía Delgado Marín), this time with a broader proposal. Having lived this transformation process several years ago, Lu decides to share a more holistic and complete process. Adding tools to conscious eating, ontological coaching, regenerative detoxification, hygiene, herbalism, naturism, yoga, dance and meditation.

Beyond Detox, we also focus on helping you regenerate and strengthen your body, post Detox in the maintenance stage.

We guide you to make sustainable changes over time in a personalised and personal way, with compassion, love, patience, flexibility and honesty. It is a new lifestyle of healthy and conscious habits.

We accompany you in your process of deep transformation or Alchemy, to experience improvements on a physical level, unblocking and reprogramming of mental blocks and the management of emotions.


I will help you make changes on a physical level, through physical cleansing, herbal medicine, changing healthy habits, conscious eating, mental reprogramming and also emotional support. I will provide you with tools so that you can manage your health yourself and return to your original and optimal state, in a simple, loving and profound way.

It is an honor for me to accompany you in this transformation process. I have lived this process myself. Based on my experience and that of guiding hundreds of people, the programs have been created.

I am an Ontological Coach by training, I have also studied Regenerative Detoxification with Dr. Robert Morse. I have been initiated and practice Alchemy and transmutation. I am also an herbalist, I prepare the formulas that we have in our line of alchemical herbal medicine. I am a medicine woman, a guide for cacao and rapé ceremonies.



Connect with LOVE and COMPASSION which is the basis of everything.


CONSCIOUS EATING of unprocessed, hydrating, alkaline and mucus-rich foods. Listening to your body, giving it what it needs at your stage of evolution.


Conscious BREATHING with tools to be present, alkalize the body and calm the nervous system.


Finding BALANCE, avoiding excesses and extremes. It is not a perfect path, but it is a learning path.


EMOTIONAL MANAGEMENT, trying to be in gratitude and love, managing stress, anxiety and other emotions with prevention and tools for recovering health.


CLEANSE the body deeply and then maintain to give the body a chance to regenerate.


FREEDOM AND SOVEREIGNTY of our being through the reprogramming of mental chains. 


GET GOOD REST AND SLEEP. Respect rest and work hours and get enough sleep. Most of the regeneration work takes place during sleep. 


MOVEMENT AND EXERCISE in the right measure as an essential part of cleansing the lymphatic system and regenerating muscles and bones.


BE NATURAL: Clothing made from natural fibres, beauty and cleaning products without chemicals.


CONTACT WITH NATURE: Surrounding yourself with nature, sunbathing, grounding your feet on the ground.


My name is Florencia, but they call me Amebita/Ame. I am the Coordinator of Regenerative Alchemy. I am in charge of contact with the consultants, registration, appointment scheduling, social networks. I coordinate the programs and groups together with Lu. My intention in this beautiful project is to accompany you on the path of physical, mental and emotional healing, in a loving and patient way, providing knowledge and tools to overcome crises in real time and in the best way. And in the moments when there is no crisis, to support you to go a little deeper. On my healing path, I managed to learn a lot of knowledge.

I have been very sick in the past and I sought answers in Allopathic Medicine, but by prescribing so many medications with adverse effects, my health only continued to worsen. So I read a lot and questioned many things to take control of my healing and achieve step by step a largely self-managed health. I managed to put the theory into practice and obtain favorable results, which led me on the right path. Today, I would like to be able to share what I learned to provide you with information and so that you can acquire tools to consciously improve your current state of health.



A transformational process, completely free of judgment, in a compassionate, gentle, warm and close way.


The most important thing is the person and their process, we are consistent between what we promise and what we do.


Knowledge is not just knowing it, but experiencing it: learning from it and incorporating it into your life.


Consistency, discipline and willpower with enthusiasm. Learning from mistakes and living the experience consciously.


Flexible processes to make it a more real, personalized and relaxed experience.


What are you waiting for to take the first step?

Sabrina Besericó (27)
Sabrina Besericó (27)Argentina living in Colombia | IG: @ser.mochilera
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In 2021 I met Lu and her accompaniments and decided to join the detox to give my body a break and regenerate it from within. I did a 21-day detox based on raw foods and infusions, during those weeks I felt energetic, creative, light and with a lot of mental clarity. I focused on my emotions, thoughts, meditated, wrote and calmly went through the process. I learned a lot🧡
Javier Guerrero (37)
Javier Guerrero (37)Mexico
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This process brought me a lot of mental clarity and focus, emotional calm and understanding, and of course, exceptional physical improvement. Loving support makes a huge difference in the progress one achieves. My occasional inflammation of the joints in my hands disappeared, I also lost weight, and my intestine and abdomen became noticeably less swollen.
Irene Pellicer (49)
Irene Pellicer (49)Mexico | FB: /irene.p.osorio
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Before starting the detox, I had hot flashes on a physical level and a lot of hormonal and emotional movement, because I am in the process of menopause and I took medication to calm them and to stop my periods. With this detox, I found greater clarity in myself, which helped me to overcome the symptoms of menopause in a wiser way, and I managed to stop taking the medication. Thank you for the support and everything I learned.
}Isabel Villarreal (46)
}Isabel Villarreal (46)Mexico
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I had been looking for this path for years, for guidance and to be ready to make it a habit of life. I had been making changes for months. I met Querido Detox and discovered the difference between emotional hunger and physical hunger. I was able to distinguish memories from my entire life associated with certain foods, and I became aware of the harm they were doing to me. I am happy and eternally grateful for the opportunity I allowed myself.
Nath Miranda (36)
Nath Miranda (36)Mexico | IG: @nathmirva
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My digestive system problems are completely gone! I feel lighter, more energetic, with clearer skin and restful sleep. I learned to listen to my body, to enjoy the flavors of fruits and vegetables; to transmute that emotional hunger, to balance my thoughts and feelings with my actions. I embraced my strength and self-love again for my evolution. I feel very happy and grateful.
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