MXN $ 997.00

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If you don't want to use the contraceptive pill because it disrupts your hormones and is toxic, you also don't want to use an IUD because it damages the uterus, but you don't want to get pregnant yet, this is a very good alternative for natural contraception and family planning.

Natural planning and especially the symptothermal method not only allows you to plan or prevent a pregnancy in a 99.6% but also allows you to recognize your general health from the gynecological signs, while learning to be patient and compassionate with yourself.

Facilita: Norma Molina, Facilitator of Symptothermal Method and Cyclicity

Your package includes:

  • Live Masterclass on Natural Contraception (Recording and presentation in PDF)
  • Masterclass grabada de Ginecología Natural (valor de $555)
  • Masterclass  grabada de Somática del Útero (valor de $555)

¿Como?: Se te envía carpeta de materiales con toda la información.

Investment package
: MXN $997/ 48 USD (Aprox) / 58 mil Ars

🙋🏽‍♀️ Get your package and take control of your health and your uterus! 💚

Lu Del Mar

Regenerative Alchemy Coach



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