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Detox 90 Days
MXN $ 7,997.00
If you are tired of looking for solutions to a chronic problem and you have been dragging health issues for several years without finding a clear answer, this program 90 day detox it's for you.
We offer you a special program to improve your current eating habits and style to alkalize the body and recover the optimal state of physical, mental and emotional health.
At the PHYSICAL level:
• How to cleanse the body naturally and reverse acidification and toxicity.
• Reduces inflammation, light digestion, quality of sleep, pain reduction, increased energy, mental clarity.
• You will learn how to enter and exit Detox by listening to your body and its needs.
• Learn how to never get sick again through food. Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food, as Hippocrates said.
• What are the optimal foods and their correct combination for optimal digestion.
• We will open the elimination channels so that toxins can exit correctly.
• Clean the intestines and remove kilos of old fecal matter, mucoid plaque.
At a MENTAL level:
• Reprogramming to change thoughts, limiting beliefs and paradigms that led us to become ill, thus being in coherence with others associated with health.
• Strengthen your will and discipline (even if you've never been able to before) to make healthier choices.
• How to plan and organize to have everything ready in a short time and in a simplified way (step by step) to have more mental clarity.
On an EMOTIONAL level:
• Understand what emotions led us to become ill and heal the root cause.
• Learn to relate to food from a healthier and more loving place.
• Emotional Detox: when we do not cover emotions with food, emotions come out to heal them.
• Inhabit and heal the emotions behind emotional hunger, distinguishing it from physical hunger.
• Video with guide on how to get started (3-4 hours)
• Detox guide, step by step
• Herbal guide (that really work!)
• Original recipe book by Lu Del Mar and shopping list for the supermarket
• Powerful phrases to heal (Reprogramming)
• Meditation and visualization (Audios)
• BONUSES: hundreds of vegan and raw vegan recipes and 6 ebooks on healthy eating and detoxification
What's included:
- 2-hour Startup Session via Zoom with Lu del Mar
- 1 hour Emotional Coaching Session with Lu
- 3 follow-up sessions of 30 min.
- 1 closing session of 30 minutes
• Folder of Materials with information and recorded workshops • Nutrition or Juice Program tailored to your needs • Completely personalized and direct treatment and follow-up
Worth: $7,997 Mexicans / $387 USD Approx (according to exchange rate) / Argentines ask! Whatsapp: +52 55 1620 7310 Or Direct link:
Peso mexicano ($) - MXN
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