
Worth: $1200 Pesos Mexicanos


✔️ Tintura Páncreas y Digestivo: It is used for gas/air, helps with flatulence and belching, reduces food fermentation, prevents candidiasis. Strengthens the pancreas to improve digestion, indigestion, acidity, heartburn, helicobacter Pylori. 50 ml

Ingredients: Dandelion, Chamomile, Anise and Fennel

✔️Parasites: Equivalent to Parasite M and G (Dr Morse Tinctures), specific for candida, small parasites, candiasis, fungi (body and nails) and harmful bacteria. It also works for larger parasites (worms). It is used for infections and as a natural antibiotic. 50 ml

Ingredients: Artemisa/Ajenjo, Pau Darco/Lapacho, Clove, Espazote Zorrillo, Huatacay/Suico

✔️Heals everything: As its name suggests, it is a mix of herbs to alkalize, detoxify and regenerate the body. It strengthens and regenerates the digestive system when drunk daily. It is also used in enemas (repairs damaged, permeable or inflamed intestines). In vaginal douches it helps to alkalize the uterus and heal when there are cysts, endometriosis, fibroids, myomas or excessive bleeding. Makes 50 doses.

Ingredients: White oak bark, plantain, comfrey root and leaves, black walnut hull, chaparral herb, burdock root, marshmallow root.

✔️Intestinal Broom: Sirve para limpiar los intestinos por dentro, aglomera toxinas para ser sacadas de manera segura (metales pesados, ácidos, desechos metabólicos) 100 gr

Ingredients: Mix de psyllium, carbón activado y arcilla

With your purchase you get as a gift: 
Masterclass Alimentación Alcalina y Antiinflamatoria, para apoyar a tus órganos digestivos, tener buenas digestiones y a la vez nutrirte.Si tienes alguna duda puedes contactarnos al whatsapp

Contact WhatsApp: +52 55 1620 7310


Weight1 kg
Dimensions30 × 20 × 7 cm
Tinctures and herbs

Relief (tincture), Ashwagandha (tincture), Blood and Lymph Circulation (tincture), Happiness (tincture), Liver and Gallbladder (tincture), Senna Leaf (tinctures), Pancreas and Digestive (tincture), Parasites (tincture), Pulmonary (tincture), Licorice Root (tincture), Relax (tincture), Endurance (tincture), Kidneys (tincture), Sarsaparrilla (tincture), Endocrine System (tincture), Immune System (tincture), Cure-All Tea (herbs for infusion), Uterus Feminine System (tincture)


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