Follow-up Session + Support

MXN $ 1,997.00

If you have already completed your Detox or Conscious Eating process (prerequisite) and you are looking to continue receiving a space of support and assistance month after month, this plan is for you. We will focus on your current state of health, points that have improved and tools to keep them in balance. We will also look at the areas that have not changed and give you specific recommendations to begin working on them. We will develop a plan with recommendations to continue deepening and sustaining the changes already managed.

What's included:
• An individual session with Lu del Mar, via zoom, lasts between 60-90 minutes • 30 additional days of follow-up with Lu and Ame, her coordinator • Agreement on a new action plan and herbal recommendations • Guided meditation with reprogramming and visualization

Worth: $1,997 Mexicans / $96 USD Approx (according to exchange rate) / Argentines ask! Whatsapp: +52 55 1620 7310 Or Direct link:

Peso mexicano ($) - MXN
  • Peso mexicano ($) - MXN
  • United States dollar ($) - USD
  • Euro (€) - EUR


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