1- Forgive the person I was, the second one in the photo. The one who couldn't cope with her life, had no desire to live, was depressed, escaping with food, alcohol, overwork and stress and didn't know where to go. I love her very much and I was able to forgive her.

2-Take care of my ego: what people will say, how I look, what they think of me… etc. Enough already! In one of the exercises I stripped down and looked at all my imperfections and became friends with my grey hair, wrinkles, rolls and I sent them lots of love and acceptance.

3- Compassion and patience: It can take years to cleanse a body after years of mistreating it. With each fast I go a little deeper, this one was deep. I learned to do it from a place of love, not demand.

4-Listen to your body. I was very attentive to my physical process, I rested a lot, I took care of myself from a more loving place. I did yoga to stretch it, which did me a lot of good. Also, when he asked me for a salad, I gave it to him. I was going to do 7 days and ended up doing 10, the last two with a salad at night.

5-Not everything has to be perfect. It is okay to change plans and adapt according to how you feel, this flexibility makes everything flow.

6-Being alone: I faced the fact of being alone vs feeling alone, I have many people around me who support me and love me, but giving myself that space to be alone made me able to look inside my shadows and lights.

7- Kidney filtration: With intermittent dry fasting, I didn't push myself that much but a little between 13-15 hours because the lemonade is already strong on its own. I took the herbs for the kidneys (my tincture).

8-Healing crises: you never know what will happen. This time my blood pressure went up and then down, I also had dizziness, a lot of anxiety… This is how I felt my adrenals heal. All of this has now been normalized after the refeeding.

9-Self-love: I can always be more loving towards myself, I took so much care, every act felt like true love. I fell in love with myself again.

10-Respect my time and my spaces by setting healthier limits (obviously I didn't succeed the first time, I threw a tantrum). I'll read you, let's share, what have you learned in your Detox and Fasting processes?

Help us by sharing the posts if they resonate with you.

If you want to do an individual and personalized Detox, with physical, mental and emotional support, I am here.

We will also have the next Group Detox on August 7th, where you can join in and share your detox and healing process with the participants who are joining.

Contact us by whatsapp: +52 1 55 1620 7310

Blessings and much compassion on your healing journeys

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