10 Health Hacks

When we start on the natural path to health, we find some hacks and routines that have a great impact on our general well-being. I share with you some of the hacks that have brought the most benefits to me and to the people I have helped during cleansing processes and dietary changes: 

1- Fruits

They are the easiest to digest, ideal for lovingly activating digestion. (Vegetables after lunch or as a last meal). Over time, you will increase the amount of fruit and begin to notice improvements. They are the food for our species and help us return to our original and optimal state.

Post talking about fruits: https://alquimiaregenerativa.com/come-agua-consumiendo-frutas/

2- Meditation

Meditation allows us to introspect, look inside, observe what we are feeling and thinking. Even in the middle of the storm when we are going through difficult times, anxiety, it can help us find calm again. When we leave behind dense foods, everything we had covered up and avoided begins to come out again, in these situations meditation can be a great ally.

3- Physical Activity

The ideal time for our biological clock is to train in the morning and on an empty stomach. This helps move the lymph that does not have a pump (heart) like the circulatory system. In addition, we release endorphins and feel good. If we are in a deeper detox, it is important to slow down a little, lift less weight. A minimum of 30 minutes a day is enough, while we recover our vitality we can increase. You will see that your physical performance and recovery is superior with live foods. 

Publications about Lymphatic System: 




4- Herbs

Herbs are key when it comes to detoxing, they help cleanse and tone the organs, reduce inflammation, increase the elimination of toxins through urine and feces, etc. Even without herbs you can achieve good results, but with them you go to a deeper level and faster. We leave you this link to a guide on herbal medicine https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yzjli1Klo0ON7S66JbtXKLK17u_Gqcg7/view?usp=sharing

5- Intermittent fasting

To start, the ideal is to fast for 12 hours, not go straight to 16 hours (which is when it brings the most benefits), it has to feel natural and not forced. When we are dragging ourselves to meet a certain amount of hours, we have the opposite effect since the survival mechanism (adrenal glands) is activated. When we do it for the right amount of time, we have a digestive rest and extended cleaning time from the previous night. To break the fast, it is best to do it with fruit or lemon water. The power of Intermittent Fasting: https://alquimiaregenerativa.com/el-poder-del-ayuno-intermitente/

6- Food Combination

Combining foods well and respecting digestion times is vitally important to have light digestion, avoid abdominal bloating and gas. As our microbiota changes, we can make this a little more flexible. I recommend printing this chart on the combinations and sticking it on your fridge, then it will become part of your daily life:


7- Dry brushing + Hot/cold shower 

Dry brushing removes toxins from the skin and helps cleanse the lymph, it also removes dead cells and improves the appearance of the skin. If we follow it up with a hot-cold shower, it activates the metabolism and circulation. Article about dry brushing: https://alquimiaregenerativa.com/cepillar-el-cuerpo-en-seco/

8- Intestinal Cleansing (Broom + Enemas)

The intestinal broom allows us to cleanse the intestines with this toxin removal and improve the intestinal flora. It is a mixture of psyllium, activated charcoal and clay to help remove old poop, mucoid plaque, parasites, sulfur (drug and antibiotic residues). Additionally, the use of enemas helps us to “soak” the intestines so that the old stuff comes off more easily. See how to prepare the intestinal broom and how to take it: https://alquimiaregenerativa.com/escoba-intestinal-y-limpieza-de-intestinos/

9- Powerful Phrases

If you have ever wished to heaven for a magic solution to stop self-sabotage and make everything flow more smoothly, this option is for you, the law of least effort. The powerful phrases are prayers that we can use to choose from the link below, those that resonate with us and align with generating a new, healthier, more loving, more disciplined reality. We read them out loud, record them with our own voice and listen to them every night (it lasts between 3-4 minutes) and thus we reprogram our mind. This helps us modify the internal dialogue and develop more benevolent and loving thoughts with ourselves. Look at the list of phrases to choose from: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_3CyP_ZCJYdrP7y_jK2eqtVoj7fjsj1J/view?usp=sharing

10- Square Breathing

This is such a valuable and simple tool, when there is emotional hunger, anxiety or strong emotions, it can even prevent panic attacks. This is key for those who enter into detox and all the mental and emotional things begin to surface. It is not only the physical or what I eat, but what we uncover when we stop escaping with food. You can listen to this audio to do the breathing https://tinyurl.com/2vk2z35a and this image also describes the process https://tinyurl.com/usd3brbd

If this post has inspired you to continue delving deeper into your health journey, we invite you to the Next Group Detox on 7/22 where we will share more tools tested and proven by hundreds of people. If you prefer, you can schedule an individual session for a personalized plan, through a private message.

With much love and compassion on our healing journey 

Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach



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