20 Key concepts of hygiene.

1. A healthy body has no need for a morbid process. The state of the body is very important in the production of diseases.

2. The germ theory of disease has been proven wrong. The presence of certain germs is not proof that they cause a disease.

3. Germs are not specific and interchangeable in their biological structure and chemical characteristics.

4. Specific bacteria do not produce specific symptoms - it is the environment - the host - the morbid symptom - that determines the type of bacteria that proliferate.

5. Diseases are not entities that travel from one person to another.

6. The fear of a cut or wound becoming “infected,” though widespread, is based on misinformation. Cleaning is all that is necessary or advisable.

7. Devitalizing medications serve to hinder the cleansing and repair processes.

8. The fear of aggressive and malignant bacteria - bacteriophobia - has no basis.

9. The current practice of killing germs (inside and outside the body) with toxic drugs is the cause of increasing degeneration and iatrogenic diseases.

10. New conceptions of the
disease, but the fundamental unit of disease is not understood by most medical professionals.

11. Disease is a process that involves changes within the body, producing certain signs and symptoms that, depending on their nature and location, are worthy of the label of a particular disease.

12. Most nosological labels attributed to diseases are superfluous and confusing, and the diagnoses offered are inaccurate and relatively meaningless if they are accurate at all.

13. The actual disease process (fever, inflammation, etc.) is the action initiated by the body to deal with toxic substances. This is followed by the sequel, the result of the disease - the damage inflicted on the body by the cause.

14. Illness, as well as the work done by our symbiotic predators (bacteria), are unpleasant and exhausting, but they are necessary for the maintenance of life. Once the cleansing is complete, the body regains its strength and normality.

15. It is not possible, by chemical or biological means (vaccination), to make a person disease-proof. This would represent a suspension of the law of cause and effect. The body cannot be exempt from the consequences of harmful practices.

16. Inoculation is a disease-producing process that damages organs, the nervous system and the blood. Drugs and vaccines damage structure and function, and accelerate degeneration and death.

17. Environmental improvements and better practices, not vaccines, end epidemics.

18. Epidemic diseases are the consequence of the existence of high levels of toxins in the bodies of large numbers of people.

19. When the same bad habits produce the same vulnerable states in large numbers of people, a triggering influence can set off a massive series of cleansing crises among the population.

20. Suppression (through medication or vaccination) of the body's ability to heal itself should not be confused with exemption from the consequences of an erroneous lifestyle.

Dr Hannah Allen


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