They are traces that remain in our mental and emotional body from childhood and make our relationships with our environment difficult in our adulthood. It is common for almost all of us to have one or more of them.
They originate during childhood, while the brain's neural connections are developing, especially in the prefrontal part, which is responsible for controlling attention, sensory motor actions, cognition, emotion and human behavior.
The roots are a traumatic event or experience (or that has been interpreted as traumatic by the child) that happened punctually or over time and in a more or less constant manner.
Therefore, if trauma occurs at an early age, it will add to the development of the brain and cause the person to operate in everyday life with these foundations of thought.
1- The wound of abandonment
For those who have experienced real or symbolic abandonment (example: Mother went shopping and left me alone with my aunt or alone for a while) In their childhood, loneliness is their greatest enemy. The lack of affection, company, protection and care marked them so much that they are constantly on the lookout to avoid being abandoned and feel an extreme fear of being left alone.”
2- The wound of rejection
It has its origin in experiences of non-acceptance by parents, family, friends, etc. Which leads us to use those criticisms of others against ourselves and reject ourselves. Rejecting our thoughts, feelings, desires, dreams, etc. When a child receives signs of rejection, the seed of self-contempt grows inside him. He thinks he is not worthy of loving or being loved. As a consequence, he either closes himself off from the world because he does not believe he deserves anything or he strives again and again to find people's approval.
3- The wound of humiliation
The wound of humiliation opens when the child feels that his parents disapprove and criticize him, directly affecting his self-esteem, especially when they ridicule him. Such children build a dependent personality. They are willing to do anything to feel useful and valid, their own self-recognition depends on the image that others have of them. They are people who tend to forget their own needs to please others and earn their affection, approval and respect.
4- The wound of betrayal or the fear of trusting
The wound of betrayal arises when the child has felt betrayed by one of his parents, where he feels that he has not kept a promise. This situation, especially if it is repetitive, will generate feelings of isolation and distrust. Sometimes, these emotions can transform into resentment (when he feels deceived for not having received what was promised) or envy (when the child does not feel deserving of what was promised and other people do). This emotional wound builds a strong, possessive, distrustful and controlling personality. The person is dominated by the need for control “so as not to feel cheated.”
5- The wound of injustice
It originates when parents/caregivers are cold and rigid, imposing an authoritarian education. This ends up developing in the child a rigid personality with very standardized bases that is repeated throughout life if no effort is made to make things more flexible. It can also develop a personality that is fanatic about order and “perfectionism”.
Abandonment: Healing is achieved by working on the fear of loneliness, strengthening self-esteem, connecting with oneself from a deep and real place, reconnecting with our essence and personal power. When one knows oneself and feels comfortable in one's own company, one does not need to connect to fill voids, but to share from a place of gratitude.
Rejection: The wound of rejection is healed by beginning to value and recognize oneself, ignoring the messages that the internal critic sends. Working on self-esteem, recognizing one's virtues.
Humiliation: This wound is healed by letting go of the heavy burden that the humiliated person carries on his back. This is achieved through forgiveness towards the people who hurt him. In this way, he lets go of that internal dictator who demands perfection and begins to act from his own feelings, fluidly.
Betrayal/Fear of trust: To heal this wound, we must work on patience, tolerance, trust and the delegation of responsibilities to others.
Injustice: The way to heal this wound is to work on mental rigidity, cultivating flexibility, tolerance and trust in others, practicing the exchange of opinions, ideas or experiences with others.”
If we observe ourselves and investigate our thoughts, feelings and connections with others, we will probably see one or more of these wounds active, which is why healing on a physical level is important, but also on a mental and emotional level. In our detoxes we also include some emotional tools to learn to flow better.
Next Group Detox “Cleanse your lymph and recover your health” 02/9 there are still some places left! See the full program
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Blessings on our path of transformation to health
Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach