As we know, health does not only begin with what we eat, but also with what we hear, think, feel, and see. If we want healthier habits, we must begin to reprogram our way of thinking, speaking to ourselves, and taking care of ourselves. If you believe it, then you create it. 

In his book, Dr. Morse shares with us a series of healthy habits to reinforce our routine, find golden doors to a world of self-care, full of truths, information, that allows us to connect with new "hobbies" to maximize our growth and health potential.

1- Be good to yourself

Invest time in getting to know yourself, you are the only person you will spend your entire life with. Take care of yourself, pamper yourself, understand your way of thinking, and transform yourself in a loving and patient way. Remember that you are an infinite soul living a human experience. The original state of the spirit is free, freedom is not on the outside, freedom is found in a warm heart with faith. 

2- Meditate Relax and Trust!

Stress restricts circulation, bowel, organ and glandular functions. This constriction leads to tissue discomfort and weakness, including constipation, lower back pain, adrenal and kidney weakness, anxiety, heart problems and poor digestion of food, just to name a few possible conditions. Stress is fear and a lack of faith in life. 

Meditation is one of your best tools for relaxation. It allows you to relax

all the muscles and cells in the body. As the body relaxes, so do the mind and emotions, which are the main cause of stress in the first place. 

You can use guided meditations, or a moment of introspection where you decide to look at your thoughts and internal dialogue, and then write it down and begin to transform it, or connect with speaking nicely to yourself, or simply take a few breaths to relax your mind and body and connect with the number 1 food for humans, oxygen. 

I leave you a meditation recorded by me, so you can enjoy your breathing 

Audio: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OMzCXR8gajm-GKuqTwy_40daWBWPezMO/view?usp=sharing

Illustration: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ySYqffum2Q4oaHmnhDZpHCmOXI3_SY2f/view?usp=sharing

Meditation is your time to be with yourself, without external influences or

constant demands of the mind and emotions. Meditation will open doors that

were previously closed and will allow true healing to take place. 

Knowledge and relationship with God will expand greatly. By opening yourself to the 

previously, the spirit can flow through us without obstruction.

3- Exercise

Much of the blood and lymph flow, especially in the lower extremities, is moved by muscular activity. When we are inactive for a while, either sitting or lying down, the body tends to stiffen up until it starts moving again and regains mobility. The more hydrated with a diet high in fruits and vegetables the more flexible and full of water the tissues are so they will not become stiff, but the more acidic and dehydrating the diet (traditional diet) the less stiff it will be after periods of inactivity.

There are many excellent forms of exercise available. Walking, swimming, rebounding, tai chi, stretching, yoga, passive aerobic exercise, to name a few that don't require as much movement right away, but help get the body moving little by little. 

4- Deep Breathing 

The air we breathe is the life force of our physical body. Without it we would die.

The air we breathe (created by plants and trees) is alkaline, and we exhale carbon dioxide, which is the essential breath or physical life force for plant life.

 Oxygen is vital to your life! It is a great energizer, alkalizer and oxidizer, it is vital that we learn to breathe correctly and that we take time to breathe deeply.

When we eat a mostly alkaline diet, with water-filled, live fruits and vegetables, the lungs are no longer filled with mucus and become more elastic, less painful, and have a greater capacity to expand with breathing. With exercise, this capacity increases even further. https://alquimiaregenerativa.com/alcanino-vs-acido-salud-vs-sintoma/

Deep breathing energizes the system, increasing circulation and flow.

lymphatic. Deep breathing also clears the mind and calms the emotions,

that allows us to feel more at peace with ourselves and with nature.

When you do a detox with us you have access to a Conscious Breathing Masterclass. If you want to receive only the recording and the PDF of these techniques, send me a message and I will tell you the cost. They are available for you to download and use as a tool whenever you want!  

5- Dry Skin Brushing 

Up to two pounds of metabolic waste and toxins are eliminated per day through your skin. It is the largest organ of elimination as it covers the entire body. When the layers of skin become filled with acids and toxins, rashes, pimples, boils and other conditions develop. Skin care should be one of our top priorities. Although it is much easier to care for it than we are always told, with expensive creams that only introduce chemical compounds that the body then has to work to eliminate. 

Tools such as water showers (cold or hot if possible), clay masks on the skin https://alquimiaregenerativa.com/4-usos-de-la-arcilla-geoterapia/, dry brushing https://alquimiaregenerativa.com/cepillar-el-cuerpo-en-seco/ They are useful tools to support the cleansing of our skin.

Dry skin brushing removes old, dead skin cells and promotes circulation and lymphatic flow, allowing the skin to “breathe” much better. All that is needed is a long-handled plant fiber brush, which is usually available at the beauty salon.

local store. First brush your feet, legs and hands, working down the center of your body (elimination channels), then brush your torso, forehead and back, working down. Cleansing your skin in this way is very beneficial for achieving vibrant, healthy skin.

6- Saunas, Steam Baths, Temazcales

Sweating plays a vital role in daily detoxification. When thyroid function is low, or when one leads a sedentary lifestyle, the body does not sweat well. The subcutaneous layers of the skin become clogged or stagnant due to toxicity. This causes dry skin, rashes, pimples, rosacea, dandruff, dermatitis and the like. Sweating is an essential mechanism for health.

7- Inclined Board

It is simply setting the bed at 45 degrees. Lying down with your head lower than your feet can improve cerebral circulation and increase lymph flow in the lower extremities. After years of living upright, gravity can take a toll on the body. Poor cerebral circulation and edema develop in the legs and feet. Our skin and organs begin to sag and prolapse, restricting proper functions. 

The slant board is a great way to get good blood flow back to the brain. This can also help our organs. This can also be achieved with some inverted yoga positions.

8- Sungazing

Together, all of these individual rays of sunlight provide a powerful healing energy that flows through every cell in the body, uplifting, healing and relieving each cell.

However, remember to maintain balance when using the sun, as it is acidic in nature.

and too much can have a negative effect. 

People who consume the traditional diet with acidic pH foods on a daily basis are internally very acidic, which is why they do not like the sun or get sunburned too easily. (Since there is a predominant high acidity) The more alkaline the body is, the more it will enjoy the sun and its healing power. The recommendation is to sunbathe at times when the sun is low, and you can feel the rays gently providing heat to your skin. Never when the sun is strong and burning. 

9- Foot and Hand Reflexology

Acid crystals (uric, phosphoric, carbonic, lactic, etc.) and cellular waste

accumulate under the nerve endings of the feet and hands. Since these

nerve endings are reflected throughout the body, these acids and toxins can

have a devastating effect on related areas. 

The nerve that feeds the heart, for example, ends in your hands and feet. So if there is a toxic buildup of acids, there can be heart conditions such as: Palpitations 

high blood pressure (when standing or walking), chest pain, etc. Rubbing the soles of your feet and palms of your hands daily will break up these crystals and toxic build-ups, drawing these wastes into the lymphatic system to be eliminated through the elimination channels, thus relieving the symptoms.

Reflexology is an amazing science for this. 

Source Book The Miracle Detoxification – Dr Robert Morse 

Download it for free https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eilMT41mEetexwz6bY0B1_mMlkO-qjTY/view?usp=sharing

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PS: If this post encouraged you to do a detox and start cleansing your body, the next group session will be in June, in individual sessions, private message 

With much love and compassion on your healing path – Lu del Mar Regenerative Alchemy Coach

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