“Master, my body is sick. Where can I find the cure?”

«Don't rush to heal. Your body is informing you: it is speaking to your soul. A sacred dialogue is going on. Don't interrupt it!»

"But I'm sick..."

“Because you're finally feeling your body.

You are feeling every cell of you. The more you reject the pain, the more you will feel it because it is the cry of your soul. It wants to guide you towards a new life. Not because the first one was wrong but because the time has come to take a step forward on your path. If you allow the pain to act on you, it will leave its message and disappear. Because it will have fulfilled its mission. Of the divine messenger.

"I'm afraid, master... afraid of what might happen."

«Your body is wise, it is the temple of your soul, it is the cradle of your essence. Do not live it as a burden but as a door to open. To access the world of symbols, of hidden meanings, of truth. Your body is taking you to your depths: down there where your most precious pearls are hidden. Open the ears of your soul and try to listen to the sacred dialogue that takes place within you.

«How do you do it?»

«Touch the sick part of you. Get in touch with your pain. Caress what you would like to push away from you. And this touch in your soul will awaken your senses. You will see the world with new eyes. You will finally be able to see inside yourself and hear a new melody.

It's the music your soul composed for you.

To take you to your rebirth.

To open the door to your new life.

– Elena Bernabe

PS: If you want to take back control of your physical, mental and emotional health, to break with programs that no longer resonate with love, health, consciousness and peace, I invite you to the next group detox of Alquimia.Regenerativa that starts on 8/30 (one every month) You can send me a message if you want more information.

Contact: +52 1 55 1620 7310

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