Visionary: Can I drink alcohol?
Grandpa: Yes, if you can
Visionary: Can I smoke?
Grandpa: Yes, if you can
Visionary: Can I go out partying with my friends and stay up late?
Visionary: Can I get high??
Grandpa: Of course you can.
Visionary: So what can't I do???
Grandfather: What you cannot do is expect to be in good physical condition, you cannot share medicine with the people, there are no skills or a clear mind, and your awakened spiritual powers will not be able to receive a vision without first sacrificing everything you mentioned.
Everything is permitted to you, but not everything edifies you.
You decide what to sacrifice for your next ceremony, for your path, for your life.
You decide what is more important, your desires or walking in harmony, to achieve your dreams and be a good man of knowledge.
You decide how far to go, whether up or down, it is your decision and your responsibility.
Ahoo Mitakuye Oyasin
Taken from the network
If you want to make a change, your body is asking for support but you don't know where to start, the next SELF-HEALING Group Detox starts on 12/4
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