Conscious Eating and Social Environment

How to maintain an alkaline diet in an environment where everyone eats everything? 

Personally, this is very important to me, since having access to raw vegan food is easy at home but more complex outside the home. When I go to events or meetings, there are usually no vegan options, much less raw ones. Over the years I have learned to adapt and these are some of the recommendations that have worked best for me:


If you are just starting out, the temptations may be great. It is best to choose carefully the places you go to and with whom to avoid exposing yourself too much at the beginning. Later, when you gain confidence and are better adapted, you can have more flexibility. Take some time to learn about the place you are going to (restaurant) and if it is someone's house, what options there might be.


Bring my food/tuppers. 

In most places we go to eat (Restaurants) today there are no raw vegan menus or boiled or steamed foods, which are the most alkaline. If we go to eat at a relative's or friend's house, make sure they have raw or raw and cooked options without mucus, but ALWAYS go stocked with tuppers and food. Preparing delicious dishes to share is the best way to not isolate ourselves in a corner, but to spread health and enjoyment. If it is a restaurant, you can call ahead and see if they can make a salad or something steamed, if not, if they allow you to bring food by paying for the "seating." So before arriving we already know what the plan is. The last option is to go already eaten, just to have a tea or a juice.


And that's all you're going to eat? Won't it be bad? And the protein? Why the diet if you're already skinny?

When raw alkaline eating becomes a lifestyle, it is not a diet. It is from this place of self-love and care that we seek the best for ourselves (food, rest, healthy relationships) and not from a place of demand. It is best not to judge others for their choices, whether good or bad. We can only enthusiastically inspire others, not through words but through actions. That is why my answer to these “uncomfortable questions” is to share my story.


In addition to bringing live and alkaline foods to share, you can share the benefits of this diet and what your experience has been like. Many people do not know how delicious and healthy this type of diet can be. You will be surprised at the level of interest it can generate. Remember that we all really want to feel good and you have the key to the door to health in your hand, perhaps others also want it. I like to share that thanks to this diet I cured a fibroid, cysts, fatty liver, gallstones, cholesterol, etc… the list is long. What more powerful reason than health, right?


When you eat consciously, you stop eating until you burst. Even when you are surrounded by people who eat a lot and eat heavy, acidic and unhealthy foods! When you eat with presence, you enjoy, savor and connect with the food. To practice conscious nutrition, it is very important to breathe to lead us to meditation, that is, to the present act and the connection with oneself and the food. Chew food well, savoring each bite. Be aware of the moment where we stop. Remember that food enters through the eyes, nose, mouth, ears and touch. Be thankful for being alive and nourishing your body. 


Being aware of what is in what we eat, even when we choose something not so healthy, is better to know it consciously and to know what is allowed or an exception. In these cases, when we give ourselves a planned treat (not one that we were overcome by a craving) we can choose to eat just a bite or a taste. This is enough to calm the mind, but it does not do as much damage as a whole plate.


When we eat with people who eat a different diet, they often tell us comments like: “it won’t hurt for one day”, “Here’s the one who only eats lettuce”, etc. In order to avoid falling into the acidic foods that we don’t want, in those moments it’s good to remember what lifestyle we want to lead. How do we want to feel? Healthy or sick? The best lesson that the body can give us is about how it feels when it eats something more acidic. From that place we can make better choices, not about immediate satisfaction but about long-term well-being.


Share deep conversations, games, activities, hugs, smiles, stories, etc. with your family. Sharing is much more than just sharing the same plate of food. When you are having a good time, you even forget about food. When we are uncomfortable, emotional hunger or anxiety can set in… And boom, it becomes easy to break down and fall. If you are really uncomfortable and there is no food left to cover it up, why be there? And if on the contrary you are having a great time, it is already more than enough food that you can or cannot eat.

Written by Lu Del Mar. Adaptation of the text by Nuria Roura 

If this post inspired you to connect with self-love and make healthy changes, the Next Group Detox is on 7/22, if you want a personalized and individual plan, private message me 

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With much love and compassion on your healing journey 

Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach 

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