How many things have we altered to fit into the beauty standards expected of us as women?
👌 I don't dye my gray hair anymore
👌 I no longer use anti-aging creams full of chemicals
👌 I don't use a hair dryer anymore
👌 I no longer use shampoo or conditioner
👌I hardly wear makeup anymore (a little eyeliner, sometimes none at all)
👌 I no longer shave my armpits and legs 👇 And I'll tell you why:
It is unnatural to shave. Animals in nature do not shave. Hair is a protection, especially in the armpits near our breasts. It helps sweat and toxins escape and keeps us cool when it is hot. Shaving is an aggression to the skin.
It's programming. Who said we have to look like girls who don't have hair yet (there's something a little perverse behind this).
🗽 Finally, I choose this to be free and sovereign over my body and my diet. I also choose to be free from judgment from myself and others. So, all of this is a great act of love and compassion towards myself and my body 💜👌
Lu Del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach
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Next Group Challenge is September 11th (7-21 days)
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