Did you know that many of your daily activities are based on mental patterns? These patterns are information that your mind stores and reproduces AUTOMATICALLY, thought patterns that are reinforced at a neuronal level with daily repetition. The brain uses these automation mechanisms when it learns something, thus saving energy and effort that it then uses to learn more things. The brain reproduces what it knows over and over again, that is its function.
Just as there are NUTRITIVE patterns, there are also HARMFUL ones. For this reason, it is important to look inward and BECOME AWARE of our thought patterns.
Examples of Mental Patterns
- The vast majority of our daily activities: Washing our face and teeth when we wake up, combing our hair, having breakfast or not, etc.
- The custom of eating at certain times
- Your exercise routines
- Thoughts and actions about your daily goals on a personal, family, and professional level
- Self-destructive thoughts, which when put into action become self-destructive habits.
- Food that damages your health but you still can't stop
- Toxic relationships where you are not valued or it is not reciprocal
- Negative emotions of lack of self-love, due to unhealed wounds
- Living constantly thinking about the past or the future, which generates anxiety
- Any negative thought pattern that does NOT contribute to our evolution. What we think to a greater or lesser extent defines our daily choices and habits.
The answer is YES. ONE THOUSAND times. Neuroscience tells us that brain tissue can be reorganized. You can change your neuroplasticity, achieve changes in your mental dispositions. And with this, change in your habits, routines and daily repetitions.
How? Observe yourself, define which habits you want to keep, which ones do NOT add up. Little by little, introduce the habits that you do, and those that you don't will lose strength. You must do it taking one step at a time and repeating it over and over again to generate that automation in your mind. Keeping a diary or journal also helps you to observe these patterns. Some will be blind spots that you can observe through others in a mirror-like way. When something from another person hits you, you can take advantage of this to self-observe what happens in you.
In our programs we not only work on our relationship with food and focus on cleansing the body and renewing our temple. We also cover the psycho-emotional part, we work on our mental patterns and most importantly, the emotional background that leads us to think and end up acting in a certain way. Dare to heal from the ROOT!
If this information resonates with you, I invite you to get motivated to heal. We are taking individual sessions with 30-day follow-up. TAKE ADVANTAGE of current value until 1/1, then there will be a price change. https://alquimiaregenerativa.com/producto/detox-individual-con-plan-personalizado/
Next Group Detox January 2024 DETOX RESET
Check out the full program with everything we have prepared for you. TAKE ADVANTAGE of the current price until 1/1, then there will be a price change. https://alquimiaregenerativa.com/pro…/detoxgrupal05-01-24/
You can send me a message and I will give you more details. +52 1 55 1620 7310
A hug
Lu Del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach
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