Grandma, wash away all my sorrows and tears, all that trapped pain that takes away my peace, the ego that suffocates me and burns me, the anger for having believed I had grown up in violence, for keeping quiet when I wanted to speak, for the pain of losing a son.

Little Mother, heal my attachments and addictions, teach me how to live in density, to walk from darkness to light, to remember my divine essence that shines within me.

Grandma, calm the desperation of wanting all this to end, to say already, enough… I can’t take it anymore! I can’t see the way out, the purpose. Remind me what it’s like to live in connection with the divine source. Show me that emptiness that I try to fill with food, alcohol, sex and work. Enlighten my shadows that I wanted to cover up to forget. Integrate my mind and my consciousness.

I am grateful for all the codes and messages that come down, reminding me of my true origin, my divinity. Things that my reason does not understand but the spirit understands.

You gently scolded me, showing me with affection the mistakes I made. How my ego was drowning me. You made me see the worst and the best of myself.

After dying and being reborn, I could see with tears that I am filled with so much love that it overflows, that I am purity, love and beauty! What a pleasant surprise to see all that in me. I could see that when healing, love, humility, forgiveness, compassion, gratitude and empathy emerge.

I see the infinite beauty of Mother Earth, Pachamamita, her abundance and her sun that radiates upon us. I see the beauty and love of all human beings who are awakening, that I am not alone, that there are many of us. That the energy of this planet is rising and we are evolving in consciousness. Yes, there is hope, it has not all been in vain!

In acceptance, forgiveness, love and awareness there is no more pain or suffering. I vibrate more and more at the frequency of love and truth. I am no longer silent. I am who I am. I am love, I am the divine source, I am everything and nothing. I am peace. I am strength. I am freedom and sovereignty. I am human.

Thank you Grandma for all the lessons learned! ✨ 💜

Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy

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