Aidé participated in the group detox that just ended, “Mujer Cíclica” and experienced a wonderful process of change and transformation. She tells us in her own words what she experienced:
«My name is Aidé Muñoz.
I am very grateful to Lu del Mar of regenerative alchemy, for guiding me in my first detoxification process, since thanks to it, I am now more aware of both the food that nourishes me and provides well-being, and how necessary it is to look inward.
I had been living with intestinal inflammation and pain for so many years that it was already normal; I couldn't even "suck in my stomach" anymore. Thanks to this process, I began to feel my body's signals when I experienced hunger or satiety, and also to recognize and differentiate the loss of abdominal strength from inflammation.
It was a process that at the beginning I didn't see how I could finish it, I felt lost, and sometimes I wanted to stop, my unhealthy habits manifested themselves at times and I started again.
The morning sessions helped me remember why I had started:
"This is my way of honoring my body and loving myself" and taking myself into account.
Today I feel my body energized, and I think it is the beginning of other changes in my life; sometimes we think about changing things or external situations, and I realized that changes always begin within myself.
I am grateful for the opportunity and I am grateful for having accepted it.
I was in chaos at the beginning and now I am discovering the way, knowing that everything is fine, that I can always correct and improve and that by being gentle with myself, with my process, everything falls into place.
If you want to learn how to take care of your body naturally, reverse symptoms of discomfort, improve your energy, health and improve your habits, join the next MUJER VITAL Group Detox https://alquimiaregenerativa.com/detox-grupal/
You can send me a message if you want more information.
Contact: 55 1620 7310
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Lu Del Mar – Health & Detox Coach, Herbalist and Alchemist