I was in an Ayahuasca ceremony last weekend that revealed many things about myself that have to do with my ego and this image I project. That's why I made the decision NOT TO USE MAKEUP OR FILTERS on social media, until I don't know, indefinitely.

Even though I have made so many changes in my life, more are coming, deeper and deeper. I used to use very little MAKEUP and sometimes FILTERS. Today I choose not to use them anymore.

Each one of us is part of this PROJECTION on SOCIAL NETWORKS to show only the beautiful and perfect. I say it is better to be real and beautiful. I believe that real beauty is something that vibrates so beautifully, inspires and fills the heart.

So you will see more real and unfiltered beauty, it is my intention to make this world a more BEAUTIFUL and LOVING place with more HARMONY. Also to show in this process that there are dark parts, shadows and defects.

«The TRUTH will set us free»

I can MAKE MISTAKES and I will surely do so until the day I die. Today I choose to be transparent and true as water. Yes, I like to share these mistakes and lessons. You will see GRAY HAIR, WRINKLES, ROLLS and CELLULITE. Because that is how real human bodies are. Even when you eat super healthy or work out every day like I do, these things are there.

I LOVE every part of my body, every cell, I bless and honor them. Thank you universe for giving me this body, this avatar to take care of, to keep it strong and healthy.

There are also changes coming to Querido Detox towards CONSCIOUS EATING, expanding the proposal of what we do.

If you've read this far and would like to join this Real and Conscious Beauty Campaign, send me a private message 💜🤗

Blessings, love and compassion!

Lu Del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach

For individual inquiries, private message.
Next group 10/16, reserve your spot to start a group detox 💪🍉🍓🍇

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