It is vital for humans to have at least one bowel movement per day, however, two or three would be much better.
More than 4 times a day is not necessarily diarrhea, but also a looser or watery texture. You may suffer from the so-called irritable bowel syndrome SIBO. An alkaline and anti-inflammatory diet is recommended.
If you have stools that are too loose or watery, COLITIS is inflammation of the colon or large intestine, you can use a good herbal bowel formula made with slippery elm bark, marshmallow root, and/or chamomile. These types of formulas will help firm up the stool while also removing the toxicity and inflammation that causes diarrhea in the first place.
The intestinal broom containing psyllium, bentonite clay and activated charcoal helps to cleanse the intestine. This is one of the tools that we will use in Group and Individual Detoxes to regenerate the digestive system.
A raw food diet is essential for healing, repairing and strengthening the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract. It gives your digestive system a break from dense foods.
Many people also suffer from the opposite: CONSTIPATION:
Constipation is very hard on the body in many ways, including absorbing putrefying food that remains in the intestines.
As a result, the destruction of the intestinal wall can also begin, especially if these food residues are affected.
Keeping the bowels moving with plenty of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, and using herbal formulas as supportive tools, helps us to correct the bowels until the colon is clean and healthy.
With much love and compassion on our healing paths
Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach
PS: For individual queries, private message
Next Group Detox on October 9th