Cancer occurs when a cell is damaged by acids and then the damaged cell mutates. That's cancer. Remember, the bottom line is that nothing else can damage a cell; only acids.

The allopathic medical community tells us that cancer “spreads.” One cell cannot damage another cell to cause cancer. It does not “spread.” In order to have cancer (to begin with), your body must be in a high level of ACIDIFICATION…aside from genetic factors, but even then, acids must still be involved.

(Genetics passed down are weaknesses.) If you are acidic, the area of your body that is most compromised is likely to be the first place you develop cancer. BUT remember, the rest of your body is already acidic or “hot.”

Many conditions, like fibromyalgia and arthritis, are essentially acidosis. Acids cause inflammation. Sure, you can get lost in the complexities that obviously exist in this discussion, but the bottom line is that it's the acids. There's nothing else that can cause this. When you have something like fibromyalgia, your body is so acidic or toxic that you'll notice that you may have a bad reaction to citrus because your body can't tolerate any more acidity.

In addition, it can react to medications that were working before. Essentially, your glass is full and it can't take any more. So, you have a highly acidic body to begin with, then you add chemotherapy, it's a cocktail of disaster and, frankly, death.

That’s why people say their cancer has “come back.” Either they didn’t change their acidic lifestyle, or the chemo caused the cancer. Don’t take my word for it… even the allopathic community admits that chemo causes cancer. The cancer didn’t come back; the conditions that promoted its creation remained or worsened.

So of course it has to “come back.” A useful analogy is a house fire. You may have seen those security videos where a lit cigarette is left on a couch. The couch is soon engulfed in flames and the fire in the room rises and covers the ceiling. The room obviously gets very hot. Things around the room that have NOT been touched by any fire suddenly burst into flames on their own.

The first to be destroyed are usually small coffee or paper tables. These are the “weakest.” This process is called the “autoignition point.” This is where an item spontaneously ignites. You see, the whole room got hot. The table didn’t “catch fire” FROM the couch. It turned on a light because the room was already so hot. It’s the same as an acidic body and why cancer appears in one place, then another and so on.

So, there is no “spread” involved. You are in a state where the weaker parts fall first and the stronger ones go next. As for why cancer cells are in the lymph nodes: given the function of lymph nodes in the body, this is where you would expect cancer cells to be! But, that is a different discussion. Again, the point is that cancer does not spread.

Translation Lu Del Mar- Marco Cesii via Karen Lee




Next Group Challenge is August 7th (7-21 days)

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