Candida Albicans is a fungus that is commonly present in the respiratory, gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts. In extreme cases, it can occur systemically throughout the body. This fungus is responsible for the synthesis and decomposition of matter.

So why does Candida appear? When we deviate from the original diet for our human species, we internally change the terrain, creating the conditions for its procreation. When the body cannot finish digesting or ferments the ingested food, there is a greater growth of these organisms to break down the excessive amount of waste and toxins. This is when a candida infection occurs.
“candida infection.” Mucus-forming foods, starches and complex sugars are often breeding grounds for fungi. Bad combinations that lead to bad ones create the conditions for these parasitic organisms to feed on and degrade these wastes.

When you eat a lot of fermented foods, you can make the problem worse, even though there is a belief that they are healthy. Ferments (acid pH) feed the fungi and create the conditions for them to live well and grow. On the other hand, an alkaline diet (alkaline pH) creates adverse conditions and they can hardly reproduce. It is a simple question of chemistry!

When the human body is overloaded with heavy metals, present in water, air, processed foods, toxic beauty and cleaning products, Candida appears to eat these metals, which leads to overgrowth. Heavy metals can also be found in dental amalgams, dental implants, breast implants (causing breast implant disease), bone prostheses, etc. When these are present, recurrent Candida infections tend to occur. When the pancreas, responsible for generating digestive enzymes, is not functioning properly, it can also cause poor digestion and therefore fermentation, inflammation and gas.

Fatty and high-protein foods weaken our organs like the pancreas. Returning to a plant-based diet with good combinations is key.


The metabolic waste product of these fungi is acetaldehyde, which interferes with Dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is present in various areas of the brain and is especially important for the motor function of the body. It transmits signals between neurons and not only controls mental and emotional responses, but also motor reactions. It also interferes with Serotonin, a neurotransmitter closely related to the control of emotions and mood, although it also performs other types of functions: It regulates appetite causing the feeling of satiety, controls body temperature and regulates sexual appetite. In short, candida can control your mind,
emotions, mood, satiety, sexual appetite and motor physical actions.

Do you suspect you have candidiasis? Below we tell you what the symptoms of candidiasis are and how to reverse it.


● Lower abdominal swelling
● Gas and flatulence (Not normal!)
● Itchy skin for no reason
● Itching in the genital and anal area
● In women, vaginal discharge with a whitish to ricotta-like texture
● Recurrent vaginal infections
● Tongue with white coating
● Dandruff
● Skin fungus (white spots or different color than the skin)
● Onychomycosis (fungus on the nails of the feet and/or hands)
● Eczema/Skin rashes
● Allergies
● Extreme fatigue
● Brain fog, trouble concentrating
● Temporary memory lapses
● Depression
● Extreme anxiety, (Sometimes including obsessive or suicidal thoughts)
● Emotional hunger
● Cravings for fermented foods (bread, cheese, wine, beer etc.)

● Cravings for junk and processed foods
● Need to be in the dark (like the fungi that live inside us)


Candida is a real problem that is closely related to cancer. Dr. Frank Suarez constantly tells us that all cancer patients are full of fungus and all those who are full of fungus have a high risk of cancer. So in some way there is a relationship between one and the other.

Doctor Frank Suarez and Doctor Alan Brougton have been doing a series of investigations where they explain to us that the fungus Candida albicans breaks down and ferments glucose and cell proteins. For example, when there is a sick environment inside the body, there is a lot of glucose, and then there is a lot of fermentation. A lot of fermentation generates a lot of lactic acid, a lot of lactic acid generates little oxygen, and little oxygen generates a lot of dead cells. Therefore, inside the body of a person who has glucose out of control, eats a lot of carbohydrates, and so on, there will be excess glucose and excess dead cells. Dead cells due to the lack of oxygen caused by the excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates.

The Candida fungus is an organism called a saprophyte, a saprophyte that comes from the Greek sapro, which sapro means death, so
that the Candida fungus, like any organism that ferments, lives on dead matter, that is, something has to be dead and decomposing for the fungus to attack it; in a body where there is a lot of glucose decomposing or a lot of dead cells decomposing, the fungus will be very active, this fungus decomposes both glucose and proteins.

When the fungus breaks down glucose it turns it into Ethanol. Ethanol is ethyl alcohol, that is the alcohol that cannot be consumed. That alcohol is converted into acetaldehyde, a chemical that comes from ethyl alcohol that has been proven to be mutagenic.

What does mutagenic mean? It causes mutations that force cells to mutate from normal cells to cancer cells, but it has also been discovered that it is carcinogenic, meaning that it causes cancer. What that means is that here in the decomposition of glucose that converts it into alcohol, ethyl alcohol, acetaldehyde, then it ends up with cancer.

Now notice then that the fungus also breaks down the dead cells in the body that are dying according to the levels of
glucose levels rise and so on. These cells are made up of proteins, proteins are made up of amino acids, these amino acids are converted into ammonia and from there come the amines, the amines are an enzyme called lysine decarboxylase that produces a very
A toxic substance called cadaverine, which is called cadaverine because it smells like a corpse. Yes, in fact, rotten fish smells rotten because of cadaverine, because of the decomposition of its amines, its amino acids, its proteins. The other compound that is extracted from ornithine decarboxylase is called putrescine because it has putrefaction.

So Cadaverine and Putrecine are two toxins that have been proven to cause what is called anoxia. Anoxia is the term that means lack of oxygen in the cells.

When a person has a lot of Candida fungus, they will have a high risk of cancer due to having very little oxygen. They will also have a slow metabolism due to a lack of oxygen.

The main manifestations of a severe fungal infection that generates all this ethanol and all these mutagenic and carcinogenic substances and that also generate all this cadaverine and putrescine that are toxins that cause a lack of oxygen are:

  1. Headache
  2. A cloudy thought
  3. Irritability or depression
  4. Fatigue
  5. Muscle pain
  6. Sensitivity to light and others

It just so happens that these six symptoms are exactly the same as those of a hangover after a night of drinking.

A hangover is defined as cell death due to respiratory depression. So if a person has a lot of Candida, they have a slow metabolism.
slow and cancer or a high probability of developing it. And if you have a lot of candida in your body and all that ethanol, all that alcohol, it's the
same as living all the time drinking alcohol and feeling the symptoms of a "hangover."


To clear Candida overgrowth and reverse symptoms, you must cleanse your body, move the lymphatic system, and open the elimination channels to let it out. There are no vaginal suppositories or medications that will “kill” Candida.

Candida is not the bad guy, it is simply doing its job, which is to degrade what our body cannot do because we eat foods that are not suitable for our species. So if you do not cleanse your body from the roots and stop giving it food so that it can continue to proliferate, it will continue to be there.

If you take medication thinking it will solve the problem, I have news for you: you are only covering up the problem, but you are not getting to the root. In addition, they wipe out our beneficial flora.


ELIMINATE/AVOID: acidic foods that are difficult to digest, such as meats, refined flours, refined sugars, ultra-processed, fermented foods, etc. These are fungal foods. You should also be very careful with the combination of foods to avoid fermentation and then putrefaction, which activates inflammation and mucus, hindering and slowing down digestion, since these parasitic organisms then have to appear to eat this waste.

Mucus and waste-forming foods:
Acidic vs. Alkaline Foods:

ADD/INCREASE: Alkaline foods with trophic combinations, foods full of water, fiber and oxygen, such as fruits, vegetables and green juices, which are foods that clean and sweep waste from the lymphatic system, the intestine, and the kidneys, are not food for candida, since they are anaerobic beings that subsist in the absence of oxygen. A clean body is not a home for parasitic organisms, they do not subsist because they do not have their food. Fungi and parasites do feed on sugar, but not on the sugar in fruits, but on processed sugar. Fruits help move the lymphatic system, cleanse the intestine, alkalize the body and return the balance of the internal microbiota.

Fruit sugar is our ally, not our enemy. Read more about this here:
Take care of the combination of foods:


You should pay particular attention to cleaning the digestive tract, because that is where they mostly lodge. If you have waste in the area
In the throat, they will be there, if you have waste in the intestine, they will be there to break down that waste.

To move the lymph and open the elimination channels, we can rely not only on food but also on herbs. A good intestinal cleansing is key. We can incorporate Pau D'Arco or Lapacho to combat candidiasis. If it is in tincture, take a dropper in the morning on an empty stomach and one at night before going to sleep. Otherwise, two cups of tea a day (or one strong one).

The lymphatic system is our true immune system:

Intestinal cleansing and use of the intestinal broom to catch and sweep away waste. By doing this we can remove the mucoid plaque, where Candida usually lives. By cleaning this habitat, it loses its reason for being and disappears:

It is also advisable to do a deworming at the same time, link below

Genitals: In the case of women, when there is a vaginal infection, in addition to all of the above, it can be
add natural aloe vera ovules that are inserted and left in the vagina and left until only one comes out
(repeat 2 to 3 times a week).

Fur: When candidiasis begins to appear on the skin, you can use clay. See here how to apply it.

You can also perform dry brushing 4 to help move lymph. Baths of
Steam is very useful for removing toxins through the skin as well.

Kidneys: Also make sure you are filtering and that your kidneys are working well to eliminate waste here. See how to make them filter


Chelating and removing heavy metals from the body will help you eliminate one of the foods that Candida feeds, and as a result, the overgrowth will be reduced. To do this you should not have implants in your body, so as not to raise
so much toxemia. Post on the topic:


As we mentioned before, the proliferation of these organisms can bring many imbalances at a mental and emotional level (fog, many thoughts of cravings for toxic foods that degrade our health, anxiety, depression), so in this aspect you have to be very patient, as you cleanse the body of Candida, these imbalances will be balanced.

At the Biodecoding level, fungi show a conflict with the role of the cleaner, or the one who buries, they show you your relationship with death, putrefaction, decomposition, difficulty in letting go of the old, they also show a lack of self-care, which is why these organisms appear to balance. In women, vaginal fungi represent: guilt and rejection of one's own sexuality. Biodecoding Dictionary:

Tools to cleanse the mind and emotions:

● Free writing, as a way of letting off steam you can express everything you are feeling and no longer want in your life. Write without judging or reviewing, let it flow, then burn the paper and put it in the ground or in the toilet so that it is transmuted.

● Learn to distinguish between Parasitic Hunger vs. Emotional Hunger vs. Physical Hunger:

● Power phrases to decree healing, choose the ones that resonate with you and write them down in your own handwriting, then record them in your own voice and you can listen to them early in the morning when you first wake up or just before going to sleep. They work without effort, you don't just have to listen, they reprogram.

● Perform this meditation to calm anxiety and go inside and see what is happening, what this symptom is showing you:


Dr Robert Morse- The Miracle Detoxification
The Mucous Diet – Arnold Ehret
Post about Candidiasis by Alexandra Prokoudine Hygienist
Text on Candidiasis, Metabolism and Cancer by Dr. Frank

With much love and compassion on your healing journey

Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach

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If you want to find out more about the programs you can write to me on WhatsApp
Contact: +52 1 55 1620 7310

With much love and compassion on your healing journey

Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach

PS: If you are reading this and you are encouraged to do a Detox and cleanse your body, the next Group session is on March 19th, we are also taking individual sessions for the first days of March (private message for more info)

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