It is definitely one of the simplest ways to stimulate your lymphatic system, circulation, remove dead cells and even helps reduce and prevent cellulite. Brushing should be done dry (i.e. with dry skin and free of creams or lotions).

Step by step:

– Start brushing from your feet and work your way up to the top of your body.

– You should brush your teeth with circular movements upwards towards the heart.

– Start with your feet, move on to your calves and then your legs.

– Brush your abdomen in a circular motion towards your heart

– Continue with your arms until you reach your shoulders

– Brush your glutes and back

– Avoid the face, neck and breasts as the skin in these areas is more delicate.

-After brushing, take a bath and pamper your entire body with almond or coconut oil.

If you can stand cold water, it will moisturize your skin wonderfully. You can alternate it with hot-cold showers. During brushing, you will see how the skin turns red, but that is only a sign that you are stimulating circulation. Remember that you are stimulating the movement of your blood and lymphatic fluid and therefore removing acidic waste from your body.

When the lymphatic system moves, toxins come out! It is a great tool to add to your detoxification.

Does anyone already practice it? Tell me what differences you have noticed?

PS: At the moment, we are only doing individual consultations, book your session by private message
Next group 08/01 🙌💪🧘‍♀️🍉🍓

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