Did you know that for women our menstrual cycle dictates our hormones and therefore our emotions. Do you know what these changes are that we experience? By knowing them we can get the most out of it, focusing more on some activities than others. Sometimes we are more open, we feel sexy and ready to conquer the world. At other times we go inward and are sensitive, ideal for introspection. All of this is part of women's health. Read below and Share with us if you identify yourself in these phases. Tag and share with the women in your Tribe
1- Day 1 to 6: Menstruation Phase.
Stage in which the female body is freeing itself from the cells that line the uterus. This stage can be described as a “living meditation”, in this phase we place ourselves in our unconscious and in our inner world. It is a stage to observe and discover thought patterns and emotions that limit us and distance us from our best version.
Physical and mental fatigue is experienced. Brain waves are slower and we do not overflow with energy as in other parts of the cycle. The body enters a detox, so the energy drops and it becomes an optimal moment to accept it and take it easy.
2- Day 6 to 14: Pre-ovulation.
Just before ovulation, vaginal discharge is clear and mucous. At this stage we feel very energetic, stronger and more productive. There is a great feeling of independence, personal security and mental clarity. We are in a more logical, rational and productive state of mind. There is energy of enthusiasm and action. This stage is optimal for repeating power phrases to ourselves (which will be very useful in the premenstrual and menstrual stage when we have less self-confidence, when energy is low and we are more connected to the unconscious brain). It is also a good period to start changing habits, practice physical exercises, challenge the mind with new knowledge, reinforce ideas, socialize, etc.
3- Day 14 to 21: Ovulation.
Ovulation is the process by which the ovary releases a mature egg. Once released, the egg travels down the fallopian tube and remains there for 12 to 24 hours, where it can be fertilized.
At this stage we feel enthusiastic, we experience joy, creativity, body expression, altruism, etc. It is a good stage to connect with others and their needs, go to conferences, give lectures, go to meetings, work in a team, etc. It is a stage where we are able to take emotional distance from the fears and anxieties created by the subconscious.
4- Day 21 to 28: Premenstrual:
Hormones stimulate the uterus and breasts to prepare for possible fertilization.
This is the stage where serotonin levels (happiness, pleasure, tranquility) drop, which can make us experience irritability, anxiety and even depression. During this period, physical energy and the ability to concentrate decrease. There is not much enthusiasm. This is the most difficult stage for many women, especially if there are strong hormonal imbalances, and great limitations can be experienced on a physical level, as well as mentally and emotionally.
It is an optimal stage to access information stored outside our conscious brain. Accessing these memories and beliefs allows us to observe them and give them a new meaning.
It's a good time to be a little more flexible. At this stage, the positive changes we have been able to make throughout the month will help us not to feel so burdened and to have a little more spirit despite the natural change in hormones that can cause a drop in enthusiasm.
Some of the texts were taken from the book “The 4 Phases of the Red Moon”, Miranda Gray
If you want to learn how to balance your hormones naturally, improve your energy, health and improve your habits, join the next one
Group Detox “Cyclical Woman”
Next group detox “Cyclic Woman” starts on 8/29 https://alquimiaregenerativa.com/tienda/detox-grupal
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