I put these outside for 24 hours. EVEN THE ANTS DON'T WANT THEM!! There are several ants around but they never got in!!! 😳🤯I'm so glad we stopped eating these.

(The Nestlé cone has been sitting in my garage for two months.

The oreo cones are about two weeks old. Neither have seemed to melt completely. Please research what you are putting in your body!

Reflection shared by Clarke Payne

It's crazy to think that when we go into a supermarket, almost 99% of the things they sell there are toxic, and that's not an exaggeration or extremism. It's just reality. That we have normalized the unnatural is another issue. The body, regardless of whether we "believe" or not in this toxicity of processed and ultra-processed foods, takes its toll on us. The body endures and endures until it can't take it anymore and becomes ill.

What can I expect if I consume foods with hormone-disrupting carcinogens, preservatives, stabilizers, colorants, etc.?

If you are looking to make changes and learn how to maintain your health naturally, I invite you to our next group detox 🌟 Group Detox 26/7: Find your Inner Peace and Renew your Vitality 🌟
The 21-Day Journey to Total Renewal

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Whatsapp: +52 55 1620 7310

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Much love and compassion on your healing journey

Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach

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