Fruit awakens consciousness. Yes, you read that right! Why?
Fructose reaches the cells without intermediaries, it is the most efficient and immediate energy.
The ideal food for the brain.

When we stop pretending, only what is behind remains. What is real? Do we see it? Or do we only see what our eyes perceive? When we are asleep we are easy to dominate. Asleep, you look prettier, they say. Heavy, processed foods cloud our thoughts and emotions, so we don't feel.
Because being human hurts sometimes. And so we choose to forget or numb that pain.

Fruit is a connection to the soul. When you are connected, there is no addiction! It is only in disconnection that we resort to numbing.
When we begin to wake up from that lethargy, energy flows through the body again, life feels deeper and more real. The beautiful and the ugly, the shadow and the light, come to the surface. It becomes more difficult for things to be hidden or to go unnoticed. Because we think so clearly! Everything lights up.

That is what perhaps no one says, but whoever eats fruit knows. The awakening of consciousness. That is the great power of fruit, beyond being our physiological food, it is also one of the ways in which our level of consciousness is elevated.

Fruit vibrates with love, abundance, it is joyful and fun. What a pleasure to wake up like this, sweetly.



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