Change the focus, get away from immediate gratification.


When we have something stuck in our chest and we don't know what it is but it's uncomfortable, we try to feel better with what we have at hand, often this is food, this is called instant gratification, so we momentarily forget about the problem, but then it comes back.


If I stop eating that thing that was supposed to calm me down, or that glass of wine, or spending hours on my phone, Netflix... whatever the way to escape is, that's when we start to give these trapped emotions a chance to surface.


1- Feel and listen to your body. Is it really physical hunger? Try eating fruit. If it's still there, it's not physical hunger, but emotional hunger. If it's junk food, it's emotional.

2-Take a moment of silence and introspection (without a cell phone) or at the very least, listen to music. I've left my playlist in my bio @QueridoDetox. Take a few breaths, as simple as inhaling for 4 seconds, holding for 4 seconds, and exhaling for 4 seconds. Repeat this 4 times. Calm your mind!

3- Place your left hand on your heart and your right hand on your forehead (uniting mind and heart) and connect with what's happening, what I'm feeling, what's bothering me. The million-dollar question is: WHAT'S BEHIND ALL OF THIS?

4-Observe without judgment, as if you were watching a movie (still with your eyes closed). You can stay there as long as you need, even if it makes you uncomfortable and you want to run away. If this happens, something is about to surface; you're about to strike gold.

5. Take a piece of paper and write down everything that comes to mind, without looking at periods or commas, and don't reread it. When your arm tires and there's nothing left, you can take that piece of paper and burn it (carefully!), as a symbolic act of liberation.

Tears may come, chips may fall, or twenties may fall... That's what we want! These and other tools are what we'll have at the next Emotional Group Challenge on July 3, where we'll work with emotions and learn to befriend them.

#raw #crudi #crudivegan #plantbased #fruits #drmorse #Detoxemocional #alimentacionviva #detox #depuracion #transition #health #amorpropio #selfcare #vegan #alkaline
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