Have you ever had a terrible day, where everything went wrong? Hey, hello, that's exactly what happened to me here. I want to share my experience and lessons with you.

I left my bubble and the comfort of my home in a small town called Malinalco, which is like a paradise, and came to Mexico City (22 million people) to take a plane to the beach.

I was coming back from a fruit-fueled diet and decided to do a dry fast to keep it simple, so I don't have to think about eating or drinking until I land (a friend is waiting for me there with fruit).

Well, it was one of those days where everything went wrong (it used to happen more often, now it's rare), I had a problem with the delivery of an order, I went to the wrong gate and to make a long story short I missed the flight. More because I was distracted because I was there early. I felt very dizzy, an excess of energy (it feels dense here).

I felt like screaming, crying, kicking and thinking about blaming others, the circumstances (I didn't want to take responsibility!) and there were many other things that didn't seem to flow. I stopped to breathe, meditate, and put my phone in airplane mode (one of the reasons for my distraction).

I said I have to learn from all this to get out of this loop.

✔️ Stop playing the victim and become the protagonist of this day.

✔️ I need to be more present in everything I put my attention on at that moment

✔️ Not committing to other things when I'm already doing other things

✔️ Protect myself energetically when I am exposed to very dense places such as cities or places with a lot of people

✔️ Stop looking for someone to blame and look inside to see what happened

Finally I broke my fast as best I could, although it wasn't perfect, the important thing is that I feel good and so does my digestion (it helped me lose weight, to root myself with vegetables).

That's how I was able to get out of that loop and all the craziness I experienced. Taking charge of what happened and extracting the lessons, there will surely be more to come, the chips are falling on me (twenties they call it in Mexico)

Today I have to have a lot of love, patience and compassion for myself.

If you're having a day like this, I hug you and tell you it will pass.


Lu Del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach

PS: Next Group Detox on March 18th or individual consultations (physical, mental and emotional balance)

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