Stop BEING the character you thought you were

I am freeing myself from layers and layers of what I am not, what distanced me from my true essence, from the characters I invented, from what I was taught in my family, school, life, society.

Through fasting, detoxification and cleansing, I have been letting go of everything that I AM NOT, leaving behind the true essence of my BEING, so that I can be expressed more freely. The layers of conditioning are falling away.

I am very difficult to manipulate, program and obey. I become a glitch in the matrix, an anomaly.

This is how I become more free and sovereign. There is still a long way to go.

Deworming, cleansing the intestines and the body are just a help to be able to inhabit the body in a more honest and real way. It is one of the many tools.

Addictions, to food, S3*o, alcohol, drugs, Netflix, po®~no, work, shopping, cell phone, networks, are nothing more than that desperate attempt to find relief and calm, when everything gets intense. Ah.. But we don't talk about that shh 🤫 but I choose to do it.

Being able to simply observe, without judging, without guilt, without attachments, is the path that I am discovering and thus I no longer need to cover myself with evasions or addictions.

My wish is to inspire you to be you, that which you really are, to leave the characters behind, and return to BEING your true essence. Therein lies purity, freedom, sovereignty and peace.

Do you dare to let BE what you already are, to let go of characters, beliefs, programs, expectations?


Lu Del Mar (One of the characters I'm no longer playing)

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