When was the first time we felt guilt and shame about our nakedness? Who told us it was wrong?
Do we judge ourselves or are we afraid of the judgment of others? Why the sexualization of nudity?

We are born naked and free from conditioning, as we grow up we buy into the idea that nudity is wrong.

It is part of our original nature to be naked when the weather permits, to let the air brush our bodies and the sun bathe them. Those who have done it know how good it feels, the freedom and confidence.

So many mental patterns fall away, it is so healing to get out of fear, self-judgment and that of others. It connects with acceptance and a deep love for oneself. So many judgments are released.

For me, nudism came from fruit. Eating like this broke so many mental patterns and gave me more freedom. I became aware of the masks I was wearing, one of them being clothes. It is part of me now, being natural, free and balanced. It anchors me and connects me with Mother Earth. It makes me gain courage by being vulnerable and letting myself be seen as I am.

Have you already practiced it?

Lots of love, acceptance and freedom 💜

Lu Del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach

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