They are heavy metals because the molecules that compose them are very heavy, and a very small amount of them in the body is already highly toxic:

• Mercury (The most toxic metal of all, even more toxic than arsenic)
• Lead
• Cadmium (Very present in tobacco leaves, cigarettes)
• Arsenic
• Chrome

How do I know if I have them?

You can ask for a mineralogram. However, if you have been exposed to the following, you probably have:
If you have breast implants, dental amalgams (mercury), titanium plates and intrauterine devices (they contain heavy metals)
If you eat a lot of fish

If you dye your hair.


• Mercury interferes with our thyroid
• Candiasis, problems with intestinal flora, inflammation and gas, since candida grows to eat these metals and prevent them from floating around the body
• Hormonal disruptions and problems
• Affects the quality of sleep (going to sleep or waking up at night)
• Beginning of autoimmune diseases

A study by Dr. Yoshaki Omura showed that mercury can be attracted to cilantro, they are molecularly attracted, and they become bound, “chelated”

Follow the instructions in the images:

1- See if you qualify for chelation or not
2- Raw diet high in fruits and vegetables one week before starting the juice
3- Half a liter of juice a day (recipe in image)
4- Perform enemas and intestinal sweeps. Very important so that the mentals clump together and come out safely and harmlessly, so they do not cause damage when they come out.
5- Deworm in parallel since heavy metals attract sulfur deposits and parasites and fungi (candidiasis) stick there with Artemisia, Epazote or Paico, a small cup of tea on an empty stomach

It is always better to seek professional advice. If you wish, you can contact us to undergo a chelation process that lasts 30 days.

With much love and compassion

Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach

PS: Next group 6/2
Sign up to start a group detox 💪🍓🍉🍎

If you want to connect with your inner power and self-healing capacity, cleanse your physical body and organs, learn tools to manage your emotions, and unblock beliefs that are limiting you today, I invite you to the next group detox that begins on 6/12 “SELF-HEALING” LINK TO THE PROGRAM

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Contact: +52 1 55 1620 7310

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