This photo is a memory from 3 years ago when I had already started making changes (almost 4 in total), things that I see in this photo:

✔️ I still dyed my hair (chemicals and heavy metals) and it was falling out a lot
✔️ I used to have straight hair, now it's wavy (I changed the sun without doing anything to it other than feeding it)
✔️ I still used makeup, today I don't or rarely do it except in exceptional cases.
✔️ I was still working in a corporation and living in the city. Today I work for myself and live in the countryside
✔️ I already took good care of my diet and I still do, it took years to get to where I am 🙌

I wouldn't change anything, even with the difficulties and healing crises, it was all medicine and learning.

Today I am free of cysts, myoma, tumor, gallstones, fatty liver, helicobacter pylori, depression, candidiasis, cholesterol, pre-diabetes, pancreas now working well, healing my nervous system and adrenal glands, post-traumatic stress, obesity… And the list goes on. Am I done? No, but the basics are done. I feel better than ever in my life.

It takes a lot of courage to cleanse your body, it is a long-term process, not a quick fix, it is a life-changing process. It takes a lot of love, compassion, discipline, and focus to move forward. It also takes perseverance, not stopping at failures and mistakes, forgiving yourself, letting go of guilt and moving forward!!

If you're reading this and you're just starting out, I say cheer up, everything you gain in health, energy and vitality is worth the effort! 💜

If you don't know where to start, here are some free guides and materials:

If you would like to make an individual consultation to do a Regenerative Detoxification process, send me a message

If you would like to join the next Group Detox on February 5th, write to me

Much love and compassion on our healing journeys 🙏 💜

Lu Del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach

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If you want to find out more about the programs you can write to me on WhatsApp
Contact: +52 1 55 1620 7310

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