So, I stopped wearing tight clothing, changed chairs, bought orthopedic belts, did yoga, pilates, went to chiropractors and doctors of all kinds, but the pain continued, a weight, a burden, a discomfort that didn't let me sleep and sometimes, it even made it difficult for me to breathe...
And? What did you do?
A wise woman… told me it was because I had been carrying too much for too long.
How did you know that?
Just by looking at my tense and compressed spine, just by feeling the touch of her old and withered hands on my bare skin, she knew...
And? What did he say to you?
He said… You have carried so much pressure over the years, so much pain and resentment that you have lost count, you carry the weight of your own world and that of others… And then, then I exhaled all the breath I had been holding for more than two decades…
Did he tell you how to heal yourself?
She took my hands in hers, in those old hands, she made me lower my hands, release my shoulders, she lifted my chin and stood behind me. Her lips brushed my ear and she softly said to me:
“Not everything is your fault” “Not everything is your responsibility” “You can’t do everything” “You can’t fix everything” “You don’t have to accept everything”… and my eyes began to shed thick tears like broken glass, there was a moment where I thought I would cry blood, from so much pain I was feeling.
Little by little my shoulders returned to their place, my neck became soft and lifted again, my back straightened as it hadn't done in years and I heard my bones emit a dark creaking sound... The weight of the world had come down from my shoulders, the weight of the pains of the past had finally come down to the floor and was going to be used as a step...
Did he tell you anything else?
His wolfish eyes looked at me expectantly and he said:
There are pains that are carried in the heart and there is no way to get rid of them easily, learn to let go of the past or you will end up drowning your future... and also understand that the lack of forgiveness only hurts the one who cannot forgive.
I don't know the author
Grasp what belongs to us, what nourishes us, what makes us grow, what makes us uncomfortable but at the right point to help us grow, let go of what is not ours, what binds, what hurts...
PS: If you want support to work on your stored emotions, on 07/03 we will hold the next Group Emotional Detox, where we will be working on purifying the Physical and Emotional bodies.
#fruitslife #higienevital #naturism #transition #health #amorpropio #selfcare