The cells in our body perform various activities and metabolic processes, such as producing enzymes, hormones, blood, oxygen, etc. These processes produce metabolic waste that ends up in the lymphatic system, the drain of our body.

Lymph (collects cellular waste) flows into the lymphatic vessels, and then continues to the lymph nodes and then to the elimination organs:

1-Kidneys – URINE leak with sediment (clear urine is not a good sign)

2-INTESTINES – FECES (two to three times a day) otherwise where does what you eat go if it doesn't come out after you eat it

3-SKIN – SWEATING we say is our third kidney, saunas, heat and exercise activate it to remove toxins

4-HOLES of the Body – MUCUS When we begin to alkalize, mucus comes out of every hollow in the body (vagina, anus, nose, mouth, eyes)

It is very important that our drainage or lymph works well and does not stagnate, since this causes toxic acids to float through our body, which then become encapsulated in the form of swollen lymph nodes, cysts, fat, tumors, etc. (all of this is actually a defense mechanism of the body so that the acids do not burn us from the inside!)

How do I help my lymphatic system move and not stagnate?

✔️LESS toxic/acidic (dairy, meat, processed foods) these generate more toxemia and overload the system, which makes an over-effort to remove them or collapses and ends up encapsulating (cysts or tumors)

✔️MORE LIVING AND ALKALINE, ASTRINGENT FOODS that move my lymph (raw fruits and vegetables) these help the lymph to be more fluid and can come out

✔️MOVEMENT: Do gentle physical exercise since lymph does not have a pump like the heart of the circulatory system (blood)

It is important to know our body and its functions. If you are doing a detox and the toxins do not come out, it can be counterproductive.

In a future post we will tell you more about the elimination channels and how to activate them:

Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach

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