This element corresponds to our fourth chakra, the heart, which is the central point of the chakra system. It is where the three lower physical-emotional centers meet with the three higher psychic-spiritual centers.
This element Air gives us wings to fly, take off, dream, love and enjoy health. To get to this point we have had to sublimate the other elements (earth, fire and water). It is from the heart that we can live in love. This love first for ourselves, then also reaches our relationships. It is related to our feelings, our capacity to love, to feel compassion, self-pity, altruism and devotion.
• Problems in the respiratory tract, diaphragm, breasts, physical heart, blood and circulatory system, thymus gland (immune and lymphatic system)
• Excessive mental noise or thoughts
• We fail to open ourselves to love, lack of self-love and compassion
• Excess air prevents us from landing, we become very volatile, blown away
If this element is in balance, it helps us act based on our ideas, thoughts, beliefs.
• We connect with self-love and in our relationships, with gratitude. Unconditional love that we come to experience.
• We enjoy good health, energy and plenitude. For this element to be in balance, all the others must be there first.
• Compassion and empathy towards others, and acting for the common good even if this goes against personal interests.
• It allows us to transcend materialism and attachment to unnecessary things, to feel secure within ourselves, to prioritize what is essential and to be independent. To feel free from the opinions of others and social conventions and to be true to ourselves.
• It facilitates communication with others, and the expression of our thoughts, ideas, beliefs through words, writing, etc. It gives us the ability to persuade, convince, negotiate.
• Connect with conscious breathing, inhaling and exhaling…