What is intermittent fasting?
It is a daily period without food intake, where the vital energy that was previously used for digestion is now used to repair the functioning of your cells, organs and other tissues, strengthen the immune system, cleanse the lymphatic system and regulate the endocrine system.
What happens when we are fasting?
✔️The body feeds on its own reserves.
✔️The body is responsible for eliminating, renewing and regenerating.
✔️Our immune system is activated
✔️ Phagocytosis of damaged cells, cysts and tumors begins
✔️ Blood sugar levels are stabilized
What should be taken into account when fasting?
1- The time when we are not going to eat
2- How much should we eat?
3- How does our metabolism work?
4- If we are taking any type of medication at the moment, when are we going to take it?
What do you eat during intermittent fasting?
• Nothing but water
• Exceptions: Infusions.
• No coffee, tea, lemon juice, mate, sea water or fruit infusions are consumed.
Benefits of hourly fasting:
• 4 hours of fasting – glycogen reserves are used
• 8 hours of fasting – increases testosterone and growth hormone levels
• 12 hours of fasting – carbohydrate reserves (sugars) are depleted and fat reserves begin to be used as food
• 16 hours of fasting – the autophagy process begins, the body starts to phagocytose old damaged proteins, and to use those amino acids (from fruits and vegetables) to build other proteins, this process is the key to the renewal of the body's tissues.
• 20 to 22 hours of fasting – stem cell production begins
Can you exercise while fasting?
Yes, interval training to speed up fat burning.
Knowing the benefits of fasting helps us accelerate our healing and optimize our health.
Lots of love and compassion
Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach
Ps: Next group 10/20, (it will be the last group of the year) 🍉🍓🌸
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