It has been proven that healthy foods emit their own light; they have been photographed using special machines. The light they emit is the photosynthesis they absorb from the Sun, and if you eat them you will be acquiring the photons you need for the transformation of your atoms. The foods that contain the most light in themselves are vegetables, and they are the ones that process the light of the Sun.
In a certain way, you will undergo a chemical process called photosynthesis. This means that the atoms of the material and psychic body will absorb the rays of the Sun, and with this the nucleus of each atom will emit its own light, clarifying the crystals, which upon receiving the photonic light of the Sun, will begin to produce the alchemical transformation and metamorphosis of the spiritual process.
Photosynthesis will begin in the soul and it will project its light into the material body, thereby helping in the conception of the spirit-baby. Photosynthesis will begin first in the thoughts. This means that the crystals that form the thought-energy (soul) will begin to clear up through the understanding. This will allow the rays of the Sun to be attracted and passed through the crystals, which will feed the brain and body of the being with photonic light.
Photosynthesis, from the ancient Greek word for union, is the conversion of light energy into stable chemical energy. It should also be noted that life on this planet is maintained primarily by the photosynthesis carried out by algae in the aquatic environment and plants on land, which have the ability to synthesize organic matter (essential for the constitution of living beings) from light and inorganic matter.
We want you to understand that in order to let the Photonic Light enter you, you must first become Vegetarians, since it is the plants that you will eat that will allow the passage of sunlight, converting it into a special light. By eating plants, you will increase your proteins and it is through them that the cells will take advantage of a greater capacity to absorb sunlight.
It is important to note that the climatic changes on the planet, electromagnetism, the concentration of gases in the air, the solar explosions that are taking place, the change in diet that you are making, the greenhouse effect of the planet, global warming and more, are those factors that will intervene in the increase of the photosynthetic performance of human beings. It is all a chemical process. Neither you, nor the animals and plants, will be the same in the future.
Changes are imminent and necessary so that you can withstand the energetic transformations that the planet and you will go through. These changes are already being announced and many of you are accompanying them.
TEXT THE ONE BEING…Merlin the Alchemist. Source: Carlos Zeta