When it comes to healing or regeneration, we rarely think about the Four Elements, however they exist in each one of us in physical, energetic and archetypal form.

When your earth element is in BALANCE: you like order, you are a person of habits, responsible, with structure and solidity.
When there is an EXCESS of this element: control, perfectionism, heaviness, lethargy, lack of subtle energy, fears, anxiety appear.

FOODS that help us root: carrot, sweet potato, beet, jicama, turnips, radishes, ginger, turmeric.

If you are eating a fruit-based diet and you feel very high (air) or in the clouds, these foods help you to ground yourself in their raw or cooked form.

If you are very earthy and consume too many of these foods you may feel lethargic, heavy, and have poor digestion. In these cases it is better to consume more fruit.

In all cases it is good to consume roots in moderation.

The earth also REPRESENTS Pachamama, abundance, materiality, it connects us with our roots (ancestors). Masculine energy is part of this element, our connection with the father, authority, partner.

TOOLS that help us balance this energy, grounding or literally putting our feet on the ground, hugging a tree, hugging our animal friends, working in the garden, cocoa with water in its natural form (not the processed one). Visualization: close your eyes, breathe deeply and visualize how your legs and feet become roots that grow roots into the ground and branches and leaves into the air, bearing fruit.

On 11/11 we will be doing the next FOUR ELEMENTS GROUP DETOX, where over the course of 21 days we will go through each one, feeling its energy through food, breathing, yoga, introspection exercises and Alchemical meditation. Dare to live this transformation experience, send us a private message or for individual consultations.

Blessings on our journey back to health!

Lu Del Mar- Regenerative Alchemy Coach

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