I am finding the balance between too little and too much, between suppression and excess, between demand and loving discipline. The middle path is the one that brings me the most peace.

Going from one extreme to the other was my way of operating all my life and less and less in the last 4 years (when I started eating raw). Until my body told me no, not like that. Let's go slowly. I stopped fasting for several months, so as not to go to that extreme, then raw and then slightly cooked. I have dedicated these last few months to finding a balance between raw and cooked (80/90 % – 20/10%).

I was able to kick a vice, my Achilles heel, bread. Even if it was just a little and occasionally, it was something that I didn't like after eating. Maybe I'll try bread again, but I feel that I was finally able to break that dependency and gain a little more independence. And that I am the one who chooses and it no longer wins over me.

As my body has become more efficient, I need less and less food. Sometimes my emotional hunger is greater than my physical hunger. But I stop when my body says enough is enough. I have become a fan of my light and fluid digestion. I enjoy intuitive, conscious, present and compassionate eating with myself and others. My digestive system lets me know if something is not good for it and I listen to it. I have learned to listen to my gut, which knows many truths.

I continue to navigate, exploring my connection, my relationship with food as nutrition, love and not as an escape, evasion. Every time I think that I already know it, I humbly realize how much I still need to learn. For me today, fruit continues to be the priority.

It's not a perfect path, two steps forward and one step back. Moving forward I don't stop. 💪💜

May our desire to be well be greater than the obstacles.

A big hug,

Lu Del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach

PS: We have space for Individual Detox Coaching or Conscious Eating/Transition (plant based and/or raw)

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