Endometriosis and ovarian cysts. The main cause!

It happens when the lymphatic system is overwhelmed with acids, and the 95% of all chronic health problems are caused by a lot of acidic waste accumulated here, which is trapped in spaces around tissues and organs, and since it cannot be eliminated, it is encapsulated in the form of cysts, tumors, fibroids, among others, so as not to be floating in the blood.
When you have endometriosis, you need to focus on healing your endocrine glands. The main endocrine glands are the adrenal glands, pancreas, thymus, thyroid/parathyroid, ovaries, and the big master gland, the pituitary. When your adrenal glands are not functioning properly and you have endometriosis, your body cannot produce the steroids it needs to deal with these symptoms. The main focus to getting rid of this condition for good is to get your kidneys to filter effectively and from that release of acids, regenerate your adrenal glands. Once your adrenal glands are healthy, they will start producing steroids and hormones regularly, doing their job properly.

How to heal through nutrition?

The best diet to move lymph and filter the kidneys is to eat fruits, vegetables, and herbs. So the best option to restore and regenerate endometriosis or ovarian cysts is to eat a diet high in alkaline foods, which remove acidity from the body.

Herbal formulas for healing:
Take infusions of: Chamomile, chasteberry, raspberry, rose, St. John's Wort, schisandra, black cohosh, verbena, yarrow.

Returning to a diet in accordance with our biological design will bring us vibrant health again.

Text by Jonathon RA Stearns

Lots of love and compassion
Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy
Ps: Next group 10/20, (it will be the last group of the year) 🍉🍓🌸

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