Aging in beauty and health.

It may not be something we initially associate with age, but you can grow old in beauty and health.

We often associate age with ailments… Do any of these things sound familiar to you? What have you NORMALIZED?

I no longer have the energy I used to have.
Now my body hurts
I can't exercise as much anymore
I started taking more medications
I'm not up for these trots
My hangover lasts two days

The body can tolerate a certain level of toxicity until it says enough and collapses, at which point symptoms (illnesses) begin to appear and one begins to feel depressed.

We can have VIBRANT HEALTH and be our best version regardless of age.

I am 42 years old and in some ways I am better than when I was 20 and in others I am normal for my age, this is noticeable, the grey hair and the arrhythmias. I wear them well and with pride. I train daily, I do yoga, I take care of my diet with live and mucous-containing foods. I have cured countless illnesses and I have more energy than ever.


✔️ More raw foods, fruits and vegetables
✔️ Hydration and alkalization
✔️ Open the elimination channels, kidneys and intestines
✔️ Stress and emotion management (this is vital!)
✔️ Restful sleep

There is no magic pill 💊 or quick fix. Let's stop covering up symptoms and pretending that everything is fine. Let's get to the root!

Yes, it is possible to grow old and be healthy with energy 💯💪, what are you waiting for to take action and have these tools in your hands.

If you want a guide, send me a private message for a personalized program. Otherwise, you can join the next group on July 10 and learn how to recover your health and have your emotions in balance. Link in my bio @queridodetox with the program.

raw #crudi #rawvegan #plantbased #fruits #drmorse #Detoxemocional #alimentacionviva #detox #depuracion #detoxification #fruit #fruitslife #higienism #vegan #higienevital #higienism #naturism #vegetarian #transition #health #amorpropio #selfcare #vegan #alcaline

Much love and compassion on our healing journeys 💜 🙏


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