I started to prioritize myself and put aside commitments. I confess that I am one of those people who likes to do everything and do it well. An eternal battle with demands.

I stopped putting so many activities on my calendar, I made more space for myself to be more present. I was able to say no to many things;

I am finding balance on this slower path, without rushing, with pauses. My anxiety level has decreased.

I've left aside this ALL or nothing, extremist, perfectionist style. I don't have to do everything right away and be perfect. My best effort with love is enough.

I feel lighter and softer like this, kinder to myself. It was hard for me to get here, tears of frustration, of wanting to control everything. I feel like I'm failing in some things, I'm falling behind in others. It's okay, I'm in the process of adapting.

I embrace my shadow, the one who wants everything to be perfect and to stop it now. I embrace my capricious little girl who throws herself on the floor and throws a tantrum when something doesn't go her way.

Where is your balance today? I would like to read you here or in a private message.

Lots of compassion and love 💜

Lu Del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach

PS: Next group session 4/29 and individual consultations via private message @Queridodetox

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