The power of intermittent fasting

What is intermittent fasting?

It is a daily period without food intake, where the vital energy that was previously used for digestion is now used to repair the functioning of your cells, organs and other tissues, strengthen the immune system, cleanse the lymphatic system and regulate the endocrine system.

If you want to intensify your detox, you have the option of doing intermittent fasting in the following sequence, to the extent that you are able. If you have never fasted before, try just a 12-hour fast and 12-hour eating window.

What should be taken into account when fasting?

1- The time when we are not going to eat
2- It is not recommended for someone who is underweight to do intermittent fasting.
3- How does our metabolism work?
4- If we are taking any type of medication at the moment, when are we going to take it?
5- Nothing except water and herbal tea. No coffee, no tea, no lemon juice, no mate, no sea water, no fruit infusions.

Can you exercise while fasting?

Yes, interval training to accelerate fat burning. During a detox, exercise should be light to reserve energy for the regeneration process.

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