Parasites are organisms that live on or inside a host organism and feed at its expense, generating health problems such as addiction to foods harmful for human consumption, fatigue, pain, swelling, irritability, depression, rashes, feeling of survival, losing control over our healthy habits, among others. Their intention is not to destroy the host because if it dies, they die too.

In the human body we find many different types of parasites including yeasts, fungi, viruses, bacteria, worms of all kinds and trematodes.

Most people have many of each of these types on their bodies. Some can grow to be meters long.  


Parasites are not the bad guys in the movie, they simply come to do their job, which is to break down what our body cannot. When our diet deviates from the ideal for our human species, they are there to do the rest. Break down what is beginning to rot. Just like compost in a garden, our body is also compost for these beings.

Remember that we have more living organisms in our body than human cells. So we need them and they need us. However, the problem comes when there is an imbalance. If we have an alkaline diet, the beneficial microbiota will grow. If, on the other hand, we have an alkaline diet, they will be in balance and there will be no overgrowth.

This environment is created by eating foods that acidify and unbalance the normal pH of the body, foods that are difficult to digest such as: meat, refined flours, dairy products and their derivatives such as cheese, and refined sugars, which are their preferred foods. These foods stagnate in the gastrointestinal tract, and generate putrefaction and mucus (mucoid plaque) and these organisms (fungi, parasites, bacteria, etc.) grow and proliferate, to eat those residues that the body cannot use or eliminate, this generates health problems due to the internal imbalance. 

A parasite does NOT survive in an alkaline environment. If we eat mostly alkaline foods such as raw fruits and vegetables, open the elimination channels and move the lymphatic system, these organisms will begin to die and leave the body through the elimination channels. With this, the cravings for foods that keep them alive such as meats, dairy products, cheeses, flours and refined, processed and ultra-processed sugars will disappear.

What are acidic or alkaline foods:

What is Mucoid Plaque (Home of Parasites) and How to Remove It:

What foods form slime and make a home for parasites:


Parasitic Organisms

Parasites such as pinworms, hookworms, roundworms, spiralworms and many varieties of tapeworms, reach the human body through contagion, contact, water, and contaminated food (in many cases they are in meat, since they are decomposing corpses). These parasites grow and can reach meters in length. When you have these types of parasites Symptoms are: 

Diarrhea Weight loss Nutritional deficiencies and their consequences Insomnia, irritability, bruxism Agitation Cravings for toxic foods (“fast food”) Stomach pain, nausea


Everyone contains yeast. More than thirty different strains of fungus can be found in most people. Yeast-type fungus is found mainly in the mouth to help digest sugar and starch. These fungi grow excessively when the body has a lot of heavy metals and other types of chemical toxins (processed foods), this organism is responsible for eating these metals to prevent them from floating around the body, they also do this when we consume too much (sugars and complex carbohydrates, which are the preferred food of these organisms) when they proliferate they become fungi (such as candida albicans), and bring symptoms such as: 

Toenail fungus Fatigue Itching on the body White, chapped discharge Itching in the intimate area Anxiety Apathy Memory problems Nervousness (among others) Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the internal balance of these microorganisms, so that they fulfill their function, but do not colonize our intestines. 


Although we still don't know for sure what a virus is (yes, that's true, it's all theory or have you ever seen a picture that isn't a scan), some scientists think that they are components of broken down cells (pieces of information). For this reason, it is important to give our cells the exact fuel they need (fruits, vegetables, live foods, etc.) (to keep cells healthy), avoid foods that are difficult to digest, and with added chemicals, which are indigestible to the body. When a cell is weakened, it can release its own "virus" (protein) causing an immune response against itself to eliminate it. Many types of viruses, including the herpes virus (which appears to be a proteus type), are "protein splitters." They appear in hyperacid conditions, especially when a lot of protein is consumed. In cases of herpes simplex or genital herpes, lowering dietary protein consumption will cause these viruses to become inactive or dormant.

Symptoms of virus infection (depending on the type of virus)

Inflammation Pain Itching Ulcers Fever Muscle aches (among others) There is a terrain theory that says “The terrain is everything”, clear the terrain and you don’t give the virus a chance. 


There are bacteria (also called flora) throughout the GI tract that help the body break down food, and many vitamins are created by the action of bacteria. A good example of this would be the various bacteria that live in the GI tract. One of these is the one that creates B vitamins from the breakdown of the food you eat. For this reason, it is essential to maintain homeostasis and internal hygiene. When the lymphatic system is congested, and we consume a lot of the foods that parasites love, these beings begin to grow and accumulate in the body, and a “bacterial overgrowth” develops, which causes health problems. Malnutrition Diarrhea Weight loss Bloating Nausea Bowel pain Poor digestion

FOODS THAT THESE PARASITIC ORGANISMS LOVE: (If you have cravings for this you know where they come from) Acidic and mucus-forming foods Refined sugars Flours and pastas Alcohol Yeasts and fermented foods (wine, vinegar, bread, beer, wine, kefir, sauerkraut, yogurt) Dairy products, especially cheese (acidic and fermented)

Other elements that feed parasites:
Preservatives, Colorants, Artificial Flavors in Food Heavy Metals (Hair Dyes, Breast Implants, Dental Amalgams) Mold or Excess Humidity (Green-Black Wall) in the House


Most human beings, including you who are reading this, have parasites. They induce behaviors that we would not do if we did not have them. You think that you are the one who makes the choices, but many times they are the ones who choose the food for you. Are we really free if we cannot make conscious choices? Parasites are not the bad guys in the movie, they simply come to do their job, which is to break down what our body cannot. When the diet deviates from the ideal for our human species, they are there to do the rest. Break down what begins to rot. Just like compost in a garden, our body is also compost for these beings. It is also very common to have anxiety and panic attacks, depression, mental health problems. Surprise, there are also parasites behind it. When your microbiota changes, your life changes for the better. Many times we do not know the hell we have lived until we free ourselves from them (it is a task of cleaning and also maintenance). This is a requirement to return to vibrant health and optimal state. Did you know that behind cancer there is an overgrowth of fungi? Did you know that heavy metals feed parasites and there is an infestation in people with autism? They affect us in more ways than you can imagine. When you win this battle, you have a great path ahead of you and your body will regain its strength since your energy will not be consumed by these beings. I wish you the freedom and well-being that you deserve. 


◉ Highly alkaline diet (fruits and vegetables that hydrate and alkalize the body). Fruit is electric food, it is full of energy and magnetism. Parasites hate energy and oxygen. They love food without electromagnetic energy, and dead food. The sugar in fruit is alkaline, not acidic like processed sugar is (fruits do not feed parasites). Fruits and vegetables (especially fruits) are high water foods, which helps move the lymphatic system and remove waste, stagnation and putrefaction (parasite food). Check out this list of Acidic vs Alkaline Foods:

◉ Drink green juices, chlorophyll is full of solar energy and oxygen, this also helps to hydrate and alkalize ◉ Intermittent fasting to use reserves, let the body rest from digestion and during that period it takes care of cleansing the body. Parasites begin to starve. Check out this post on intermittent fasting:

◉ Significantly reduce the consumption of foods such as meat, which are slow to digest and stagnate in the intestine, developing parasites to break them down. ◉ Avoid gluten, milk and its derivatives (cheeses), which are mucus-forming, and then parasites get stuck in that mucoid plaque. Check out this post: What does gluten do to your body?

◉ Avoid excessive consumption of carbohydrates and complex sugars (parasites love these foods) they make them grow and continue reproducing ◉ Consumption of Diatomaceous Earth ◉ Open the elimination channels to eliminate toxins, fungi, parasites and pathogenic microorganisms. Check out this article on How to Open these channels so that parasites can leave:

◉ Clean the intestine with the intestinal broom and enemas, here you will find their use, it is important to understand that if we remove the mucoid plaque (their home) and stop feeding them, they will have no chance of survival:

◉ How to do an ENEMA at home step by step

◉ Zapper frequencies that eliminate parasites through electric current

◉ HERBS These are some of the deworming herbs: Pau D'Arco, Epazote or Paico, Wormwood or Artemisia, Clove, Tansy. You can make a mixture of some or all of the herbs, a teaspoon per cup of water on an empty stomach. Accompanied by an alkaline diet. You can also add 5 seeds increasing up to 30 blended with papaya juice and drink daily. Raw Garlic with care and moderation also helps, although it can be irritating to the digestive system (better not to use if there is intestinal irritation) Dr Morse Tincture Formulas, Parasite M and Parasite G. Sources used in the preparation of this article: Dr Morse Book - "The Miraculous Detoxification". Link to download for free

Mariah Mazza's post

PDF deworming Hilde Larsen (English)

With much love and compassion 🙏 💜 Lu Del Mar - Regenerative Alchemy Coach OUR NETWORKS and tools at your disposal: Website and content library, everything at your fingertips!

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