I could have many excuses for why something went wrong or why I thought about giving up. But I decided to take charge, to be responsible for my own mistakes. Last year was intense, my dad passed away, I added little egg for a few months and my hormones became unbalanced as a consequence of that.

I was able to realize what happens to my body when I eat a little too much cooked food, or the occasional bread that became more frequent. I even considered not eating raw food anymore. But I went back, as always, to eating a lot of fruit. I never gave up fruit, only that I had added foods that were not good for me (eggs and bread). But I did feel adrift, lost and chaotic, and I carried out this private process accompanied in private. I realized how this excess of indulgence led me to a hormonal imbalance, going from one extreme of demand to another of too much indulgence.

After sinking, despairing and making peace with this, I got on the wave, I surfed it and I understood that this was also a learning experience, that my demands took me from one extreme to the other. That in moments of chaos I can stop wanting to control everything and just flow. There are days when the wave knocks me around a bit and there are others where I grab it and get on it and arrive safely at the beach.

It's not a perfect path! Let's make friends with our mistakes, every mistake is a learning experience if we take the time to process it and incorporate it into our daily lives, it becomes part of us. I share this with you to say that I'm not perfect here and that's okay, instead of sinking into guilt, shame, pain, I choose to flow with what happens, bring it to consciousness and heal it.

Even in the most difficult moment when we can't take it anymore, when we want to let it all go, when there's no way out, we have the option to flow with what's happening or just stay still without taking action and start to sink with the weight of what we carry. To flow and rise again, which will always take us to the shore.

With love and compassion

Lu Del Mar

PS: I would love to know what helped you flow? 💜👇 Let's share with love

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