Sometimes we think that the hardest part of making healthy changes is food, but in reality it isn't.

If we know which foods are good for us, why do we choose others? The real challenge when we make a transition to raw veganism, a plant-based diet or vegetarianism is to leave behind patterns of behavior that we have repeated for years or a lifetime. This is why it is necessary to make a transition, not only so that our body and microbiota can adapt, but also our mind.

It's like a butterfly that is first a caterpillar in a cocoon and then transforms into a butterfly, it takes time to go inward and then reflect it outward.

In this guide, we will first help you distinguish the types of hunger and also provide you with tools to manage the obstacles that arise at a mental and emotional level when changing your habits.

To start with, you'll be surprised that most of the time your hunger is not physical, but emotional. When we stop using food to cover up emotions, we can realize how many things have been covered up.


The hypothalamus (part of the brain located in the central area of the brain) houses the hunger and satiety centers, which control food intake. The hunger signal is felt when the stomach begins to synthesize a hormone called ghrelin. This hunger hormone travels to the hypothalamus, where it activates a group of neurons that synthesize various substances. Among them, the neuropeptide; together, these trigger the sensation of hunger, and warn us when we should eat.

Blood glucose levels also play a role in increasing the feeling of hunger when they are decreasing and the body feels that it needs fuel. When there are problems in this process, such as diabetes, a constant feeling of hunger can occur.

There are also environmental factors that modify the sensation of hunger, such as smells, mental programming of meal times, etc. These reach the cerebral cortex as signals (vision, smell and taste) and modify eating behavior even if there is no real need for food.


Plan and organize my meals and meal times a day before or in advance to keep things in order.

◉ Prepare tuppers when I'm going to leave the house to maintain my healthy habits or else fruit which is the real fast food

◉ Connect with food in a conscious and present way, smell it, chew it, taste it, to begin to activate digestion and satiety centers

◉ Eat nutritious, live, alkaline foods, full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, calories, etc., such as fruits and vegetables to activate satiety processes. This does not happen when we eat junk food, or “empty calories.”

◉ Intermittent fasting helps regulate blood glucose levels, avoiding eating at any time of the day, and also helps with discipline and willpower. In this link you can see the full article to start with this practice

◉ Avoid processed foods with added chemicals, such as additives/addictives (for example monosodium glutamate) as these generate addictions and inhibit satiety centers, activate regions of the brain that regulate the feeling of gratification, emotions and motivation, and act like a drug.


This does not occur due to a physiological process but rather as an imbalance mechanism. We are so accustomed as a society to constantly eating, like chickens with constant light on a farm where they eat constantly. Consumerism, propaganda, social pressure and, why not, also patterns learned at the family level can lead to emotional hunger.

Here's how to detect it:

◉ First try drinking liquids, thirst is often confused with hunger

◉ If you suspect that you are hungry, you can eat one or several fruits and the hunger should subside. If you still feel hungry, it is emotional.

◉ This type of hunger comes after a strong emotion, stress, sadness, anger, helplessness, frustration

◉ It is a hunger that wants to be satisfied by something very specific, a craving, one even comes to imagine and taste

◉ Eating out of boredom, having nothing else to do, or as an escape

◉ Emotional hunger can be used as a reward system. For example, “I had a bad day, I deserve something delicious.” This creates complacency and self-destructive behavior where this emotional hunger is satisfied in the short term with something unhealthy that can harm us in the long term. It is necessary to break this pattern once it is detected.

◉ If you have already eaten your food and you are still hungry and feel like “raw food doesn't satisfy me” or “I need something more substantial” it may be emotional hunger

◉ Compulsive eating also indicates emotional hunger (binge eating), which is accompanied by a whirlwind of thoughts.

◉ If we continue eating even when we have reached physical satiety, as if our internal satiety alarm had broken down


You've discovered that many of the times you felt hungry it was actually emotional and not physical. So what do you do in these situations?

◉ Inhabit the emotion, feel it. You may feel the urge to escape to food but don't do it, it's worth the wait.

◉ Ask yourself: Where does that emotion come from? What triggered it? You will begin to detect patterns

◉ Being vulnerable is okay, it takes courage. Pretending that everything is okay and being strong can lead to breaking down. Evasion is like a pressure cooker, then everything explodes.

◉ Conscious breathing: simply inhaling and exhaling while being aware of this act and with your eyes closed helps to reduce anxiety, connect with the present, calm the nervous system and stop acidifying (stress and anxiety produce hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol that are acidic). Here is a link to do it at home with an audio…/1fcpTdu9Ep3…/view…

◉ Meditation also helps a lot to calm down and be able to look inward, here I leave you a playlist with music to meditate and some guided meditations…

◉ Keeping a diary to record all these emotions and physical sensations that emerge to identify patterns is like having a guide or manual for your own life, a great tool for your evolution.


◉ You can download the book of the wisdom of emotions here…/17SD9e8S7pdeS2mzu87a…/view…1.

Anger - What is unfair? No one has taught us how to get angry, what do we do, do we keep it in or do we let it out?

• We can channel energy by going for a brisk walk

• Hitting a pillow a few times• Screaming a few times to let off steam

• After the energy is released, we can write and reason with a cooler mind.

2. Anxiety – What should happen in the future or what do I not want to happen?

• Be more present

• Take care of your adrenals (they become overloaded when we are anxious). Take licorice root and do activities that relax us.

• Grounding, walking barefoot, hugging a tree, being in nature

• Yoga, meditation and powerful phrases (point 2)• Herbs: valerian and chamomile in tea or tincture

3. Guilt and remorse

• It's a vicious circle where I feel bad for messing up and if I can't get out I keep messing up.

• Forgiveness as a tool to get out of the hole we got into

• Am I being loving to myself?

• How am I judging myself for what happened? Have as much compassion as we would have for a 2-year-old child.

• Ho'oponopono meditation can be done

4. Sadness – Something valuable to me was lost

• It predisposes me to cry, to go inward

• You can do a meditation and accept what happens or is no longer there

• Do not hold back your tears, cry as much as necessary (in a place where you feel safe)5. Fear, Feeling danger or risk

• Identify first: Fear of what?

• How likely is it that that will happen? If that happens, what is the worst that can happen? What happens if that happens?

• Pineal gland activation can be done to transmute fear into love…/1GVwN2vGoQDPw3Cow_bF…/view

•You can write powerful phrases to reprogram your mind and empower your goals•Relaxing bath with hot water (finish with cold water) and sea salt, relaxes and reduces inflammation

• Free dance, choose the music you like the most and dance as if no one was watching you (to release endorphins)


Parasites are organisms that live on or inside a host organism and feed at its expense, generating health problems such as addiction to harmful foods, fatigue, pain, swelling, irritability, depression, rashes, feeling like we are in survival mode, losing control over our healthy habits, among others. Their intention is not to destroy the host because if it dies, they die too. They like foods that acidify and unbalance the normal pH of the body, foods that are difficult to digest such as: meat, refined flours, dairy products and their derivatives such as cheese, processed and ultra-processed foods and refined sugars, which are their favorite foods. It is advisable to deworm in order to stop these uncontrollable cravings. It's not you, it's your parasites! Let's free ourselves. Check out this other article on how to do it here.

Some steps to follow:

◉ Highly alkaline diet (fruits and vegetables that hydrate and alkalize the body). Fruit is electric food, it is full of energy and magnetism. Parasites hate energy and oxygen. They love food without electromagnetic energy, and dead food. The sugar in fruit is alkaline, not acidic like processed sugar is (fruits do not feed parasites). Fruits and vegetables (especially fruits) are high water foods, which helps move the lymphatic system and remove waste, stagnation and putrefaction (food for parasites). Acidic vs. alkaline foods:

◉ Drink green juices, chlorophyll is full of solar energy and oxygen

◉ Intermittent fasting to use reserves, let the body rest from digestion and during that period it will cleanse the body. Intermittent fasting publication

◉ Significantly reduce the consumption of foods such as meat, which are slow to digest and stagnate in the intestine, developing parasites to degrade them.

◉ Avoid gluten, milk and its derivatives (cheeses), they are mucus-forming, then the parasites get stuck in that mucoid plaque. Publication: What does gluten do to your body?

◉ Avoid excessive consumption of carbohydrates and complex sugars (parasites love these foods) they make them grow and continue to reproduce

◉ Deworming herbs: Pau D'Arco, Epazote or Paico, Wormwood or Artemisia, Pumpkin seeds, Papaya seeds, Clove, Tansy, Garlic, Bitter green leaves, Dr. Morse Tincture Formulas, Parasite M and Parasite G

◉ Diatomaceous Earth Consumption

◉ Open the elimination channels to eliminate toxins, fungi, parasites and pathogenic microorganisms

◉Cleanse the intestine with the intestinal broom and enemas. Publication Intestinal Broom and Intestinal Cleansing:

Post Enemas at home step by step

Finally, learning to know our body and emotions will make all the difference in a cleansing process. I would say that it is almost as important as food. The real challenge is how we can free ourselves from cravings, emotional hunger and parasites. We will return to being in balance and enjoying our freedom. When our desire to eat healthy is aligned with what we put into our body, then we are truly sovereign.


“Dr Morse Book – The Miraculous Detoxification”

Neuroendocrine regulation of hunger, satiety and maintenance of energy balance

With much love and compassion 🙏💜

Lu Del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach

PS: There are still places available for the Detox Reset 2022 on January 8th 💪☺️

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