When I start accepting everything as I am, I feel peace.

When I deny, reject and judge myself, I feel in chaos and imbalance

How harshly I judge myself for the parts of me that I have not yet learned to love. Yes, there are still many. As well as a lot of things that I love about myself. I am my duality.

When I judge myself, I feel nothingness itself, I feel the emptiness within me, the vacuity, where all that infinite universe of possibilities is, of all my possible selves that will not be. There they all live together in the emptiness, the great abyss.

When I accept myself, my boundaries with others dissolve. The skin that separates me from my being merges with the whole. Everything that will be and always was, the infinite universe of possibilities expressed all at once. That is how I flow with acceptance and integrate.

So it's a constant breath, I inhale acceptance and exhale judgment. Welcome peace.


Message downloaded in a meditation. Meditation is one of the tools that has changed my life. I use it in my personal life and as a tool in all programs. The golden key 🗝 that opens all doors.

Hug of light 💜🙏

Lu Del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach

PS: Next Group Detox 11/20 and for Individual Sessions private message

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