(This is a big veil drop, so be prepared 😆)
Too often people identify themselves with having an “autoimmune disease,” a label that was coined by the AMA American Medical Association. According to them, autoimmune disease is a mysterious illness in which the body attacks itself, due to poor immunity.
It is essential to understand how the body works in order to avoid false labels. Every cause has an effect, no disease comes from nothing. THE BODY NEVER ATTACKS ITSELF. It will always seek its homeostasis and balance.
We have an immune system with a large number of cells that defend us from pathogens, viruses, bacteria, and external toxins that enter the body. But if our immune system is overwhelmed by so much external attack (acidic foods that we consume), it stops working properly, and toxemia, acids, pathogens, viruses, bacteria, and fungi prevail, and the lymphatic system stagnates. When this happens, the organs begin to fail, and as we continue without giving them a break and continue consuming what collapses us, the “chronic autoimmune disease” that we developed never goes away.
In addition, allopathic medicine prescribes medication that only adds more toxins to eliminate and further overloads the body. It is necessary to understand from a simple point of view why the body "SHUTS DOWN" and expresses "unknown" symptoms when it is totally saturated with toxins.
If you eat foods with an acidic pH, they will unbalance the alkaline pH of the body and that is when disease will appear! Simple!
When we consume cooked, devitalized foods that have gone through a process that modifies the molecular structure of the food, and turns them acidic, the body assimilates this as an attack (known as Leukocytosis), the immune system rises up to defend itself against this threat, it does so by generating inflammation and mucus to prevent these acidic foods from burning the organs from the inside, if we consume these foods daily, we live in a constant state of illness.
Excess protein damages and clogs the kidneys, which are the main channel for removing waste from your drainage system (lymphatic system). The lymphatic system is connected to the kidneys so that it removes metabolic waste through them, via urination. If you don't remove the acids and keep eating them, you will suffer pain. Therefore, eating too much animal protein (as we have been taught) is the main cause of disease. If we constantly live in this state of disease, the body eventually collapses.
If you go into the doctor's office and go over your symptoms, they're going to do a blood test for a problem that most of the time isn't detected by blood, because it's a lymphatic problem (stagnation). Then, they're going to tell you that you have some "autoimmune" disease with no clear explanation as to why. And people are paying them thousands of dollars to be blown away by the wind?
Now we understand that the problem is related to the lymphatic system, so to heal, we need to cleanse the drainage system (lymph). If the kidneys filter well (remove toxins through urine), and we have good fecal matter (at least twice a day), the body will begin to cleanse itself and when the root of the problem goes away, the disease will disappear.
Diet is the most important part of this, and it's exactly what the AMA is overlooking, I've been told my problems are stress related, and that I should eat that cheeseburger and fries, that it didn't affect me at all, but diet is the key to health or illness.
We humans are so bogged down with toxins, and have been brainwashed into a system that encourages us to eat acidic foods, which make us sick because they are NOT designed for our biochemistry.
They created an unfounded fear in us of our ideal food (raw fruits and vegetables), highly hydrating foods that help us eliminate the acids that are harming us, move waste and take it to the elimination channels to then leave the body.
Fruit helps us get rid of systemic acidosis (called by doctors “autoimmune disease”). An alkaline diet begins to remove all the toxins, and gradually over the years health and vitality are recovered and we can experience first-hand what it is to be healthy.
Get informed and read books on the subject:
Book in Spanish: Dr Morse – The Miraculous Detoxification
Book in Spanish: Arnold Ehret – The Mucusless Diet
Text by Jonathon RA Stearns the Mangotarian adapted by Lu del Mar
With much love and compassion on your healing journey
Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy
Next Group Detox 4/29, for individual sessions private message
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