Text by Dr Robert Morse ND
«At this point, we have been discussing the impact and effect of various foods and toxins when they are in the body. We will look at the more subtle ways that they affect you and your body and can also create disease.
The two most powerful TOOLS you use to create your experience here in the physical world are your mind and your emotions.
Your physical body is just a shell of clay that carries your consciousness. You could not create the events in your life if it were not for the thought processes that allow you to imagine the sequence of events you wish to experience.
However, without emotions, there would be no desire to create.
As the mind takes images from the past and present and puts them together to create the future, it is emotions that drive you to manifest these images. The stronger your feelings toward an experience, the more you will experience the experience, no matter what it is. Your ego, which is your sense of individuality, adds to these twin aspects of creation. Add all of this together and you have the drama (or play) of life.
The mind and emotions can work for us in a positive way, or against us, controlling and enslaving us. Use your mind and emotions to improve and revitalize yourself.
Remember that the mind works from images. What you imagine becomes your reality at one level or another.
Turn this process to your advantage. Imagine yourself healthy and vital (this is where your emotions can come in). Get excited about a new life, full of vitality. Let your emotions be the engine of your success.
Read and surround yourself with books and information about raw food and detoxification. It is vital that we as souls understand our bodies as they are our vehicles and/or tools that we use on our journey through creation. You must learn to use them correctly for your highest good.
What you create mentally and emotionally becomes your experience!
*PART 1*
True health and vitality is experienced when we have these mental and emotional bodies in balance. Each of these bodies impacts upon the other. Your emotions, especially negative ones like anger, hatred, jealousy and the like, can both sicken and fill your physical body. These emotions are stored in the liver and kidneys.
They block proper pancreatic function (digestion) and other glandular functions as well. Emotions can even shut down our minds, affecting our ability to understand, think, and make rational decisions. They can especially shut down the heart centers. Once the heart center shuts down, its ability to recover is drastically diminished, to the point of death.
Among the cancer patients I was unable to help were those who had their heart center closed for one reason or another and could not be opened. In some people, this is a complex issue, deeply rooted in them.
However, one must let go of all the things of the past and enjoy each moment for what it is.
Love, happiness, joy, health and mental control keep the heart open. Unhappiness, depression, despair, anger, jealousy, rage, envy and the like close or keep closed the center of our heart. The mind must also be kept in control. They say the mind is a great servant, but it is a terrible, even devastating, master.
The thought process prevents us from enjoying the present moment, the eternal now as it is called. Remember when you were a child and the present moment seemed to last forever. Those days were long and filled with play and excitement, only to be lost to thought and desire. The way we teach in our school systems promotes competition and limits our free thinking. Just as the materialistic world of possessions limits our freedom and happiness. This greatly reduces our overall awareness and ability to experience God in the moment.
*PART 2*
By detoxing your physical body you can start a chain of events that will allow you to cleanse (and control) your emotional and mental processes. You can assist in this process, allowing old thought patterns and emotions (which may arise during detoxification) to finally be released and forgotten. There are several ways to do this.
First, begin to observe your thoughts. Step away from them and become the observer. Detach yourself from the outcome of things and from other people's opinions and emotions. Let it go. Give it all over to spirit, God, the wind, whatever you believe in. Release all your negative emotions and mental chains. This allows the greatest healing power to flow through you and your bodies, bringing a vitality and awareness that is indescribable and not experienced by many. Enjoy life moment by moment. Allow yourself the freedom to expand and experience. Break away from old conditioned states of thinking and feeling. Become vibrant and healthy - and do it now!
It is important to note that when your glandular system is out of balance, so are you. This is especially true of the triad: the pituitary, thyroid and adrenal glands.
When the parathyroid is underactive, calcium utilization decreases. This can lead to all kinds of depression, from mild to chronic.
When your adrenal glands become hypo (under) active, anxiety can overwhelm you. Again, from very mild shyness and introvertism, to chronic apprehension, worry and anxiety, acute anxiety attacks, paralyzing fear and seclusion. Bipolarity, schizophrenia, etc. are all manifestations of the above, as they affect your calcium, serotonin, neurotransmitters and the like. This is why the health of your physical body is so important to your mental and emotional bodies. They are all interconnected to the point that you experience all three as one expression.
Learn the secrets that lead to the health and vitality of your physical body, emotions and mind. Take charge of these tools or bodies.
* PART 3 *
God, of course, is the source of true vitality, happiness and bliss. By detoxing your physical body you can initiate a chain of events that will allow you to cleanse (and control) your emotional and mental processes. You can assist in this process by allowing old thought patterns and emotions (which may arise during detoxification) to finally be released and forgotten. There are several ways to do this.
First, begin to observe your thoughts. Step away from them and become the observer. Detach yourself from the outcome of things and from other people's opinions and emotions. Let it go. Give it all over to spirit, God, the wind, whatever you believe in. Release all your negative emotions and mental chains. This allows the greatest healing power to flow through you and your bodies, bringing a vitality and awareness that is indescribable and not experienced by many. Enjoy life moment by moment. Allow yourself the freedom to expand and experience. Break away from old conditioned states of thinking and feeling. Become vibrant and healthy - and do it now!
It is important to note that when your glandular system is out of balance, so are you. This is especially true of the triad: the pituitary, thyroid and adrenal glands.
When the parathyroid is hypo (under) active, calcium utilization decreases. This can lead to all kinds of depressive states, from mild to chronic. When your adrenals become hypo (under) active, anxiety can overwhelm you. Again, from very mild shyness and introvertism, to chronic apprehension, worry and anxiety, acute anxiety attacks, paralyzing fear and reclusiveness. Bipolarity, schizophrenia, etc. are all manifestations of the above, as they affect your calcium, serotonin, neurotransmitters and the like.
That's why the health of your physical body is so important to your mental and emotional bodies. They are all interconnected to the point that you experience all three as one expression.
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