How wonderful it would be if there were a pill that would just cure all my health problems. How many trillions of dollars a year are spent on research to "find cures" for diseases? And we really believe that's the case. The magic pill, the quick fix, was designed to line the pockets of the pharmaceutical mafia, not to heal you. 

There's no chemical pill you take today that'll do you good and nothing will happen. It does happen, and a lot. Those pills cause problems. Read the box. They're called side effects, and they're always present to a greater or lesser extent. You start with a pill for x, then your digestion is ruined and they give something for that, then the kidneys, the liver, and so on.

Don't be fooled, the solution to health isn't in a pill. That's just a palliative, a stopgap measure. The natural solution is already within you; your own medicine, your own power of regeneration, is encoded in your DNA. We have lost ourselves as a society due to greed and economic interests. 

The solution is FREE and benefits no one but you. Return to nature, to love, to eating for your species, lots of raw fruits and vegetables, just water, air... Yes, that's enough, and remove from your body everything that could be causing interference. Remove all types of implants (yes, all of them) that cause ASIA syndrome and inflammation; quit the poisons of alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs; reduce stress; rest well; and you'll see how your health returns. If you don't believe me, look at my stories for the testimonies of so many who have healed naturally, including myself.

Break free from that programming of believing that the solution lies outside, or that someone in a white coat dictates or rules what your body is capable of or not. Trust in yourself and your own power; it's real, and we all have it. It's time to say enough and take charge of your health. Don't wait any longer. Listen to yourself, listen to your body's messages, which are crying out for you, please, now.


In a stagnant body with toxemia, disease begins to proliferate. If we inject toxins through beauty products, cleaning products, hormone-infused foods, and medications like meat, dairy products, eggs, or highly acidic foods with altered chemistry like fried, baked, processed, and ultra-processed foods, or white poisons like white sugar, white flour, refined salt, etc., our body is receiving a huge toxic load every day. If our elimination channels aren't functioning properly, it's abundantly clear that all those toxins remain inside. 

Check out this article to see how your ejaculation organs are working.

The nature of the disease

Understanding the symptoms of disease is simply understanding acidity and toxicity, and how the body responds to these conditions. By understanding this, you will see that disease is a natural process, the result of unbalanced decisions and actions in our daily habits and choices. 

Dr. Morse tells us that based on his many years of experience, the root causes of 99 percent of all disease symptoms are genetic weakness, toxicity, and hyperacidity.

1- INHERITED WEAKNESSES: Inherent weaknesses are cellular codes (cellular memories) that determine the condition of tissue and how it responds to life. The physical body is a genetic imprint of your family tree, and your cellular strengths and weaknesses come from your genetic history. Having a map of our ancestors' ailments is a guide to what pathologies might develop in us, since that's our tendency. But it's completely preventable and modifiable if we have good habits that improve our health and keep us AWAY from disease. 

Book the biology of belief:

2- TOXICITY: Toxicity (meaning poison) is a broad term that includes many things, from mucus buildup from dairy foods, irritants, and sugars

complex, even chemical deposits, of toxic metals and minerals. This toxicity

(which is mostly acidic and accumulates in the body) comes from food,

air, body hygiene products, household products, building materials

Construction, etc. 

To prevent the buildup of toxicity in the body, a diet rich in water (fruits and vegetables) is necessary to keep our lymph flowing and our elimination channels hydrated, full of fiber, and moving. Complement this with gentle exercise to move the lymph. 

Health Secret: Cleanse Your Lymph

3- ACIDOSIS: Body fluids must be alkaline, except for the gastric juices in the stomach. All foods eaten by humans can be divided into the two categories.

Previous: they form acids or alkalis. This depends on the ash left behind.

of its digestion and of the dominant inorganic minerals in food, which affect

The pH of body fluids. Traditional diets are highly acid-forming, produce mucus, toxins, parasites, fungi, and other pathogens in the body. Therefore, the more acidic the food, the further from our true state of health. The pH leans toward alkaline.


MEDICINES: Medications promise to reduce inflammation, kill bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and eliminate pain. These are all symptoms of a stagnant body. They help us get rid of the symptoms, but we don't understand why they happen. They leave traces of toxins in the body, unbalance the pH, acidify and severely damage the stomach, alter the intestinal flora, and terribly overload the liver and the digestive organs. 

If illness appears, it's a sign that the body is stagnating from toxins and acids. Detoxification is the answer. Alkalizing the body frees us from disease. 

When we have the flu, fungi, bacteria, parasites, etc., it's a symptom that the body has a large amount of toxins and pathogens that aren't being released. For this reason, these parasitic organisms help us break them down. Also, if we continue to stagnate the body, they grow excessively. Just as they help us, they also accumulate metabolic waste and leave traces of toxins in the body. This ultimately leads to more health problems—physical, mental, and emotional. 

Candida fungi:


CONTRACEPTIVES AND other glandular and hormonal treatments: They promise to artificially "balance" hormonal disorders. This creates an even greater imbalance, and in the long run, we begin to overpopulate the body with candidiasis due to the daily intake of medications. This creates serious problems in our energy, mental health, and emotional well-being. 

The number one recommendation, if there is one, is to eliminate foods with added synthetic hormones, such as meat, dairy, and eggs. Avoid hormone-disrupting foods in plastic-wrapped or canned products. Avoid beauty and cleaning products with added metals and chemicals that unbalance our hormones. 

Befriending our menstrual cycle, respecting the energetic, mental, and emotional changes of our hormonal rise and fall during the menstrual cycle. All month long. Post on the topic:

Avoid mate, coffee, white sugar, and other stimulants. The adrenal glands are affected. And remember, hormones work in synergy. If one malfunctions, the whole system is disrupted. 

More about adrenals:

Diseases due to hormonal problems:

ANTIDEPRESSANTS, ANTIANXIOLYTICS: Our internal state also defines our mood and psycho-emotional state. If we think and feel badly, our habits are often just as destructive. Deep and real healing begins with forgiving others and ourselves. Allowing ourselves to move forward, becoming better, and not repeating bad teachings. 

Emotional hunger is real. If our psyche is unhealthy, our body will likely become ill as a result of bad habits. We consume our emotions, and the body becomes a "garbage can," and those toxins keep us intoxicated. By not properly eliminating toxins, fungi, bacteria, parasites, and other organisms grow to degrade these toxins, which should be released but don't. The typical solution is medications that further mutate our flora and don't address the root of the problem. In a stagnant body filled with an overgrowth of bacteria, fungi, and parasites, toxins develop that can interfere with our mental and emotional state. The traditional solution is antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications. But these don't solve the root problem and further intoxicate the body. To heal, we must address the root causes: physical, mental, and emotional. A 3-body detox. 

Post on Real vs. Emotional Hunger

Candida fungi and their implications for mental and emotional health:

Parasites and their implications for mental and emotional health:


Cells respond to states of consciousness in the same way we do. Our actions depend on our mind, our consciousness. Whether we create or destroy. Whether in our own territory or in that of others. If I have self-love, I will take care of my actions, my thoughts, and my habits. Everything is energy and everything gives off energy.

Inspired by the book The Miracle Detox by Dr. Robert Morse

Lots of love and compassion

Lu del Mar – Regenerative Alchemy Coach

PS: Next Group Detox July 

For individual sessions with 30-day follow-up, please send a private message. See the individual program here

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